Originally posted by lillaila
how the hell do u have 45 gigs per month??????????
im wif telstra too........unlimited plan too, 2 months free, free modem and installation, $70 a month, this is cable by the way, unlimited tho may slow to 64kps if over "10 GIGS"......wat plan r u wif?......ive checked all plans but havent seen urs b4
yup I am at 49GB now..I'm gonna reach 50GB over night LOL...
but yeah... i know what you mean... you must be annoyed!
what telstra has done for the past 2 months is that they havent' implemented the capping system in yet. I have been with telstra for 2 years now, and they have been fine. I have been using the cable service.
Anyway, Before i was on the 3Gb plan, and i couldn't download anything. when this plan came online.. I changed immediately. However, i have been trolling around forums and with people's experiences, capping has not started at all for january and february. I found that out late in the middle of the month last month.. so i went on a download bonanza.. i got about 30GB total last month
this month, i pretty much started in the second week and have been going strong ever since.. i will try to post a screenshot if i have time..
But yeah, the gest of it is that telstra hasn't had their capping thing in yet for the past 2 months.. and all downloads atm since then have been "true unlimited"
next month may not be as so.. but let's just hope it isn't on again
u can check out
www.whirlpool.net.au for the information.. check back there often.. it'll give you miracles!