Rules for Customers (1 Viewer)

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
wuddie said:
what's wrong with you people? chucking a skits over your job? quit it if you don't like the way you're treated.

you're getting paid to do all the stuff you've listed there. if you don't think you've been paid enough, quit the bloody job then.

customers are always right. if you have the balls to tell the customer off, then do it and don't post your whining shit up here.

far out you spoilt f's.
The guy said it was work experience so he's probably not getting paid at all :D


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Yeah when you work in the customer service industry you really can't tell them (even the stupid, bitchy ones) to fuck off and die if you want to remain employed.

I'd like to set the record straight- MOST customers are fine. A few are lovely and polite and they help things get done, and most of the time I have nothing to complain about.
This thread is about the few customers who really don't seem to understand how the whole customer-server relationship works. We're helping by setting out a few (several thousand) rules and bad examples. Most of them are just matters of common sense and courtesy.
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
tommykins said:
Greater Union [Work experience] -

- Don't fucking leave all the popcorn on the ground, it shits me to no end having to come in and do what's supposed to be a 5-10 minute job, and end up having to clean for 20 minutes.

- Please, make out once or twice, not throughout the whole fucking movie, it's annoying and revolting. You need a dark palce to make out? Go to the park at night, oh wait, YOU PREPUBESCENT KIDS AREN'T ALLOWED OUT THAT LATE.

- Please, when I rip your ticket, don't tell me your life story, I've told you where to go, don't tell about how you got sued for sexual harassment at the work place, because for all I know, you're porbably visually sexually harassing me right now.

- Don't complani that the cinema is "too hot' when you walk up to me with a fucking woolen jumper on. Hey grandma, TAKE IT OFF RETARD. I even went through the trouble of telling my superviser and he told her to calm down as the air condition is controlled in melbourne (obvious bs).

- Don't look at me lik i'm some lowie just because Im' not in school, hey look! My uniform is different from them, I must be either new/work experience. But then again, I don't blame you for mistaking me, I just hate it when you point it out.

- Young hopeless youth, I will tell you the cinema you're in, just in a very quiet voice, so your brain can at least do some exercise figuring out where north is. Or more so, which is left and right.

On top of the fact I wasn't getting paid, it was the worse job ever. STANDING there for 7-8 hrs straight with only a half hour break. I wouldn't even do it if I got paid to.
Am I correct in my understanding that you did work experience as one of those usher types at a cinema? I don't believe I've heard about people doing it there before. I am both horrified and impressed, in roughly equal portions.

Re: That maniac dude who snapped it at everyone, it's a somewhat valid point. You know there are morons around in vast quantities, and you get a job where you're made to deal with them, you gotta know it's on the way.

On the other hand, I suppose this is how venting works, and it is amusing to read. :)


Oct 18, 2006
Melbourne, Victoria
wuddie said:
what's wrong with you people? chucking a skits over your job? quit it if you don't like the way you're treated.

you're getting paid to do all the stuff you've listed there. if you don't think you've been paid enough, quit the bloody job then.

customers are always right. if you have the balls to tell the customer off, then do it and don't post your whining shit up here.

far out you spoilt f's.
If you dont like the thread dont read it, simple. Obviously you cant whinge to customers so where else you gonna do it?


i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
ogmzergrush said:
Am I correct in my understanding that you did work experience as one of those usher types at a cinema? I don't believe I've heard about people doing it there before. I am both horrified and impressed, in roughly equal portions.
Yeah, Ushering. Last minute thing, oh how I regret it. I served old people, they were great to have around, but the 40> 20< age bracket was dead set annoying.


Black by Demand
Aug 10, 2005
right here, can't you see?
Apocalypsse said:
If you dont like the thread dont read it, simple. Obviously you cant whinge to customers so where else you gonna do it?
you don't. you put up with it like your parents put up with you. you've agreed to put up with these annoying people when you took the job, it is not in the fine prints but common sense tells you these people are around and you are bound to meet a few of them.

if you think it is simply too hard not to whinge, i suggest save yourself the stress and get another job, because customer service is certainly not an industry for you.

for the record, i work at the aussie stadium and scg, so i'd deal with more people in a day than all of you add up in a week. if anything, i'd see drunks and whatnots every time i work and i ain't complaining.
Aug 27, 2006
wuddie said:
you don't. you put up with it like your parents put up with you. you've agreed to put up with these annoying people when you took the job, it is not in the fine prints but common sense tells you these people are around and you are bound to meet a few of them.

if you think it is simply too hard not to whinge, i suggest save yourself the stress and get another job, because customer service is certainly not an industry for you.

for the record, i work at the aussie stadium and scg, so i'd deal with more people in a day than all of you add up in a week. if anything, i'd see drunks and whatnots every time i work and i ain't complaining.
And of course, in areas outside of customer service, no hassles ever come up. Maybe you don't even need to interact with people!

Note: most people don't actually hate their jobs, or even state this. We can whinge if we want. I put up with customers to their face because that's what I'm paid to do, but afterwards I'll say whatever I want. If you don't, that's your choice. But learn not to take everything this seriously, k?


New Member
May 15, 2007

If there are 15 set tables, and 1 unset one- DON'T ASK TO SIT AT THE UNSET TABLE. We will serve and treat you like shit- it's cause we're busy. I don't care if seating you at the unset table will make all your christmasses come at once- there are 49789536 set tables i would love for you to sit at- sit there.

If, by chance you happen to sit at a table that needs to be cleaned and or set (despite the fact that there are signs strategically placed around the restaurant saying 'please wait to be seated'), do not groan and roll your eyes when I clean it in front of you.

When i am holding 3 extremely hot plates- i don't have time to wait for you to rearrange yourselves to make sharing your food easier- I am recieving third degree burns to my hands.

TRY to remember what you ordered- as i said before- i am standing there gritting my teeth as my skin is burned away by extremely hot plates, while you can't remember which pad thai you ordered.

I do not cook- it is not my fault if your food is wrong/bad- I'm not the person you should be getting angry at.

I cannot squeeze you and your 5 friends in for a quick bite to eat at 7pm on a saturday night- I don't care how quick you think you will be or how often you come in- It's not going to happen- no matter how much you were craving thai food. The people who booked were also craving Thai food- they just had the decency to book. we have a full restauraunt...come back later- or book another night.

What we serve is on the menu- just because you know the authentic name of a dish does not mean that we are magically going to have stored the ingredients for it, and that the chef will be able to whip it up from memory.

Sometimes you personally are not priority 1. When there is alot of food to go out, alot of tables to be cleared and alot of orders to be taken, getting you a new napkin because you dropped yours on the floor just doesn't seem to be much of a priority.

I don't care if you take your business elsewhere- i get paid the same reardless of wether or not you dine with us- chances are if you get to the point of saying that, I am so pissed off at you that I never want to see you again anyway.

No, I am not new- just because you have come in twice in your life on nights that i have not been working doesn't mean that I have never worked here in my life.

Your children are not cute- at all. Neither are their food throwing, tantrum having, stupid question asking, scene causing habits.

If you order a takeaway and I say it should be about 25 mins, don't come in 15 minutes later and get angry because it isn't ready. Likewise- if I tell you that it will be 25 minutes, don't try to convince me to put your order in front of everyone elses- it is out of my control, and quite frankly i don't give a shit.

If you are only going to tip 75c- don't bother.

I'm not a waitress because I'm a deadbeat- I'm a waitress because I am in high school- DO NOT treat me like an idiot- chances are I am about twice as smart as you think i am. chances are also that in 5 years I will be earning 8 times as much as you.


Black by Demand
Aug 10, 2005
right here, can't you see?
vulgarfraction said:
And of course, in areas outside of customer service, no hassles ever come up. Maybe you don't even need to interact with people!

Note: most people don't actually hate their jobs, or even state this. We can whinge if we want. I put up with customers to their face because that's what I'm paid to do, but afterwards I'll say whatever I want. If you don't, that's your choice. But learn not to take everything this seriously, k?
then why bother? get another job which does not involve you having to put up with customers to their faces. why do something you are going to complain about?

believe you me i have no problem with people whinging. but you are all whinging about something you can avoid, with ease. it is not even like you need that specific job to support yourself or your family.

or is whinging just part of girls' daily routine?


Nov 10, 2004
computer salesperson at one of the large electronics stores/ harveynorman/binglee/jb hifi

don't ask for a discount on some piece of shit $50 sonique sound system that will break in 1 week, have you no shame.

dont hand me large wads of cash in attempt to close a deal

don't freak out when i ask you "if you're doing ok?" i'm not trying to attack you

don't point at the price and say, "is that the reeall price?" wtf does that mean?

if you ask me for my "best price" and i ask you what you want to pay, and you don't want to tell me, then im not going to give you a good price

don't come over from david jones where they're sold out of x computer and then say "they were doing it for x" which is $150 off my ticket price. when i ring up dj's and ask them whether they have it in stock and what their price is and you've blatantly lied, it makes you look like an idiot

if i say we only have 1 laptop left and you dont want to believe me, then i sell it 1 hr later, and you come back tomorrow expecting it to be there, i'm not going to be sympathetic, im going to feel very satisfied.

don't return a $2800 laptop that i spent 1 hour talking you through in which i explicitly ask whether the 17inch screen wasn't too heavy, then setting up a 12 month finance arrangement, getting you approved etc.

and then try and return it the next day because it's "too big" .

Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
please do not come to the front counter, and um and arh for a good 5-10 minutes about what you to eat, before proceeding to grill me about if there are any carbohydrates in lasagne. After learning that in fact our entire range of lasagne, quiches, pastries and cakes contain carbohydrates (would you believe) do not grumble about how incompetent our store is for not complying to your silly no carbs diet. If you are on a diet, why would you think there would be a magical cake or pastry you could eat? what do you expect?

please do not take ages to order because of constantly changing your mind and asking about the ingredients of every single thing that catches your eye, before sighing at the price, slowly pulling out of your handbag an assortment of small bags, coin purses and your wallet, to painstakingly count out the money while a small crowd piles up behind you waiting to be served. Or, to be an extra special customer, after doing this, it would be a really cool idea to pick up your change, put your hand bag down again and fish right to the bottom of your bag to find the special particular coin purse that 20 cent pieces goes in, place your coin purse back at bottom of bag and proceed to reorganise all of your purses neatly in your bag. And for goodness sake, be sure to comment to a different customer of how rude it is for me to move to the other side of the register and begin taking another order while you are doing this. The very cheek!


Oct 12, 2004
champagnetaste said:
TRY to remember what you ordered- as i said before- i am standing there gritting my teeth as my skin is burned away by extremely hot plates, while you can't remember which pad thai you ordered.
So Fucking True.

I used to work at an Italian Pizza/Pasta place... and I was holding 3 bowls of hot pasta straight from the kitchen, to a table of about 16 ladies... Not only did they ALL ignore me for 30secs cos they were too busy chatting, but then they couldnt remember wth they ordered.. this was also during peak hour, and I seriously had no time to stand there and get burnt... I couldnt hack it in the end and placed the pastas down and naming them, and let them sort themselves out

I actually had to go get burn cream after that cos I DID get burnt [the dish where you put it on your wrist area]


Oct 18, 2006
Melbourne, Victoria
wuddie said:
then why bother? get another job which does not involve you having to put up with customers to their faces. why do something you are going to complain about?

believe you me i have no problem with people whinging. but you are all whinging about something you can avoid, with ease. it is not even like you need that specific job to support yourself or your family.

or is whinging just part of girls' daily routine?
I said it before and I will say it again, if you dont like the thread dont look at it. Everyone isnt like you, unable to have a rant about your job, people need to talk it about it somewhere and this is the perfect place for it.


Oct 12, 2004
wuddie said:
then why bother? get another job which does not involve you having to put up with customers to their faces. why do something you are going to complain about?

believe you me i have no problem with people whinging. but you are all whinging about something you can avoid, with ease. it is not even like you need that specific job to support yourself or your family.

or is whinging just part of girls' daily routine?
How about you just stop whinging about how we are all whinging. Because you are whinging about something you can avoid, with ease. It's not even like you need to be in this thread, or even in this site.

So does that make you a girl too?


Black by Demand
Aug 10, 2005
right here, can't you see?
ah yea real original comeback that one, really, i applaud you.

and errr no, i am not whinging. i am standing up for the customers who you have been abusing, as well as the fact that i can't see the point of having a thread solely for this purpose. but obviously, arrogant people like yourself, ma'm, need your daily dose of whinge and this is the only place (and possibly amongst your whinging colleagues) where you can release your 'stress' from your part time job.

keep it up you softies.

Ranger Stacie

hollaback girl
Oct 13, 2003
central coast
wuddie said:
ah yea real original comeback that one, really, i applaud you.

and errr no, i am not whinging. i am standing up for the customers who you have been abusing, as well as the fact that i can't see the point of having a thread solely for this purpose. but obviously, arrogant people like yourself, ma'm, need your daily dose of whinge and this is the only place (and possibly amongst your whinging colleagues) where you can release your 'stress' from your part time job.

keep it up you softies.

Umm do you actually have a job? i do not work in customer service for shits and giggles. I hate my job. I actually do the need the money, to support myself while I go through university. You think every time you get served at mcdonalds, or target, or harvey norman, the sales person is relishing that moment where they greet you? No, they are relishing the moment where they say goodbye with a big cheesy smile cos you are finally fucking off. Have you even read half the entries here about the stupid things customers ahve said, done or expected? How can it all be the counter persons fault? I doubt there are many people, at all, in customer service who love their job. Its shit, shit money and often customers are real dicks. Its not fun dealing with stupid, cranky people who have no fucking clue half the time. I do it as a means to an end, and I'd be willing to hedge a bet that most people in customer service are undertaking some form of studies and are simply trying to pay the bills. you seem to have some notion that everyone working in customer service has a choice to. You think waitresses and kitchen hands clean up your filthy mess for fun? You pay my cost of living for me and I'll gladly quit! Aside from that, we've got every right to vent about how shit our jobs are. I bet even saints have days where they come home and have a big whinge about how shit their days were. If you dont like it, then dont read the thread!


A couple for people calling a law firm:

1. If I pick up the phone and say "David x's office, Justin speaking", please don't say "Hi, David?" Listen to what I say when I pick the damn thing up.
2. If you have been served with a document, find the reference number before calling us. We have hundreds of files going at any one time, so I can't identify you with only "I was served with a Statement of Claim".
3. If you've talked to someone from our office, take their name down. "I was speaking to a lady the other week" does not help, particularly when I am the only male in the office.

I resigned from that job today. :)
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Ace up my sleeve
Apr 26, 2005
wuddie said:
ah yea real original comeback that one, really, i applaud you.

and errr no, i am not whinging. i am standing up for the customers who you have been abusing, as well as the fact that i can't see the point of having a thread solely for this purpose. but obviously, arrogant people like yourself, ma'm, need your daily dose of whinge and this is the only place (and possibly amongst your whinging colleagues) where you can release your 'stress' from your part time job.

keep it up you softies.

Wuddie... what do you do? Are the taxes I'm paying at the full time job I actually like supporting your lifestyle? I guess so, if you did work you would realise that it is often necessary to have a whinge so that the anger doesn't get bottled up inside, cause a coronary or some other medical condition, or before it affects your abilities in the job.

For the record I really do like my job, I get to work with people, I get to be creative, I get to think on my feet and develop lots of other good skills. I have whinged in here in the past, that is because people can piss me off in my line of work, just like the old lady who spends half the day in the store I work in, sitting in $10,000 massage chairs and then sitting in $5,000 lounge suites with an umbrella under her arm that pushes into said lounge suite. Is it wrong to whinge/bitch/complain/vent about stupid customers? If you find it is;
A) I hope i never encounter you in a work situation because to be trueful you sound like a self rightous, unrealistic dickhead
B)Your opinion does not matter as it is obviously uniformed.

Nashie's suggestion; a "Rules for Wuddie" thread

Is this comeback original as well wuddie, if it is, I really would like a copy, whether it be in the form of a post or a transcript of the comeback you can liken it too, some context would also be nice. Thankyou

(by the by, an original comback for this post would be; "fuck you too" or "...your mum")
Aug 5, 2004
Mezza [Merrylands]
"you should tell people... its misleading"

no its not you stupid bitch. you got exactly what the sign said... pork on a roll. the salad you specifically asked for is not mentioned at all on the sign. therefore the sign is not misleading; you are just stupid.

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