Ok James, lets get studying!
http://www.clubs.mq.edu.au/mits/Contact_Us/Campus_Map_/campus_map_.html for a detailed map of campus.
All lecture theatres are used for a variety of subjects- they are not subject-specific, thus it is best for the students to "get to know" each lecture theatre.
X buildings are a heap of tute rooms used for all subejects (again). The only thing to know about down there is the COE (Centre for Open Education- or whatever it stands for), and the daycare centre.
W6/W5 buildings have SCMP (Asylum correct the abbreviation if I'm wrong) for Social studies (ie. media, anthropology, sociology etc). The rest of the buildings to the best of my knowlegde are tute rooms.
W3A is the law building. All the law offices, moot rooms, common room etc etc..
C5 buildings are a mixture of random tute rooms. There is a lecture theatre in there (Price), and across from it is MQ theatre.
C5C is statistics- ERIC etc. live there. Also the Numeracy Centre. Also computer labs and two (?) lecture theatres -t1 and t2 (if t2 exists).
C3A is the psych building. Psych office etc. etc.
C4A is psych tute rooms and labs for experiments involving humans.
E5 buildings are more tute rooms, and there is Mason theatre for lectures, and a few other little lecture theatres on the upper floors.
E6A I'm not sure of, but was under the impression that that side was the science side? there is also that business building for international students.
F buildings are also science and psych labs (as I said above). It is a long walk to get there.