Correction the second Unis was supposed to read unions
Dont claim to know shit about Marxism, like your previous post read because if you did, you would realise that the environmental struggle is intrinsic to the class struggle. It is not the fact that loggers are hard working that is disputable, it is a matter of our bullshit economic system that drives these workers into an industry that produces premium grade furniture for the people who can afford it, and I dont think they are laborers on 450$ a week. Rampant consumerism is only the beggining of the degredation of our market driven society that you propagate. And the fact is i support none of those parties. Im a member of the Socialist Alliance. So I am right in declaring class warfare because none of those parties, except the greens on some issues go close to representing a true alternative to barbaric capitalism. The rpivate school issue was right, I go to a modest private school, 2.5k/year, no hall, not enough class rooms, the schools on the list were that were more then well off, they had more then an access of resources and you cant deny that when students accomodated in the ideal secular public system go without text books, SHAME. Even though i dont champion the cause of labor that was ideologically correct. Get a bit of compassion.. or get the hell out of Australia, I cant believe I share the same colour passport as you.