isreali- paleistine (2 Viewers)

which do u support

  • isreali

    Votes: 49 44.1%
  • paleistine

    Votes: 37 33.3%
  • both in mutual existance

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • u don't support a state bace on a religion

    Votes: 8 7.2%

  • Total voters


Jul 29, 2007
JaredR said:
Actually I haven't been posting much at all in the forums over the past two weeks as I've been busy elsewhere, but if you want me to read YOUR dribble (which so many more bosers have commented about) I will and will respond accordingly when the time fits. :)
please do jaredR. reply to ever single one of my posts. but lol i wont be expecting anything.

half you guys are illiterate. no point wasting time with dumb fucks anyway.
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MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
bigboyjames said:
half you guys are illiterate. no point wasting time with dumb fucks anyway.
bigboyjames said:
in the absalute long run i rather have communism
Yeah dude.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
ubernuton said:
no you not an apeaser your a peice of fuckin isreali mudering scum you and your fuckin country have been responsable for many of the biggest atrocitys of the last hundred years and no one trys to stop u because of one of the biggest atrocity if the last hundred year

by the way just because i'm anti-isreali don't mean i'm anti-jew
What you are is anti-commonsense.


Oct 27, 2006
Someone made a comment about the crescent moon and star, it's an interesting concept.

It seems to have gone the opposite way of the star of David - rather than a religious symbol becoming an ethnic one in addition, it was an ethnic symbol (originally of Turkic origin, had nothing to do with Islam) that became a religious one to represent Islam.

Turkey is analogous to Israel in many ways in terms of this type of symbolism. Turkey is a highly secular state, and yet, it has the Islamic symbol in its flag, but used in the ethnic context, ie, representing Turks, not Islam. A star of David in the Israeli flag is not proof of its supposed theological nature.


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
i support palestine.
israel should stfu and go back to its UN borders and make jeruselum an international city.
Withdrawing to the UN borders is “not a prescription for peace, but for a renewal of hostilities” (June 19, 1967 – Lyndon Johnson)

“In the pre-1967 borders, Israel was barely ten miles wide at its narrowest point. The bulk of Israel’s population lived within artillery range of hostile Arab armies.” – (September 1, 1982 – Ronald Reagan)

Resolution 242 adopted in November 1967 after the Six-Day War asserted that Israel was not expected to withdraw to the 1967 borders which were explicitly not defined as final political borders in the document which established them. Israel was only required to withdraw from “territories” (and not even all of them) to “secure and recognised boundaries” The previous boundaries were not secure. The Six Day War was clear-cut self-defense.

UN Resolution 181 which called for Jerusalem as an international city was rejected by the surrounding Arab constituents and resulted in the ensuing War immediately following Israel’s creation. Tel Aviv was the original capital recognised by Israelis until 1950 following Arab aggression and subsequent defeat where West Jerusalem was declared the new capital.

Tragic that you think like an arab. ie a half wited baboon. In most cases of occupation in recent memory, the occupied and the oppressed are somehow allowed to live on the existing land while the occupier moves in too. In this case, 6 million Palestinians have been driven out of their homes and live in refugee camps in other countries and are refused reentry resulting in one of the largest refugee populations in the world today. Ironically, at the same time, European, American, Russian, African, and even Indian Jews are still being brought in by the thousands and are settled on demolished Palestinian homes. If this is the value of Israeli might then i spit on Israel.

You claim to not be a racist, but your analogy to the Arab as a ‘half wited [sic] baboon is both offensive and inappropriate and does not help your argument of not being a racist and consistently presenting intelligent discourse in this thread. I do not deny the displacement of Palestinians with the creation of The State of Israel. This problem augmented when Arabs, opposed to any Jewish State in areas with large Jewish populations attacked the newly born Israel. In peace efforts, the Palestinian leadership under the guise of Yasser Arafat was offered $30 billion US in compensation for the displaced Palestinians (who aren’t as great a number as claimed by yourself.

Yes, Israel was created at the foot of the Holocaust. It was to mark a safe haven for the Jewish people, a place where they had a police force and army to protect them. It was at a time when the doors of Australia, United States and numerous other Western nations closed their doors to a civilisation in need. I will not ever refute the value of Israel on the security and survival of the Jewish people.

after reading this there is no point debating with you because your such an idiot. i wonder how old some thick headed baboons are on BOS.

go watch fox news.
If this is the “serious” “debate” you refer to in post 85 then I’m sure you can appreciate why I was “know [sic] where” to be seen. Rather than attack an argument and take something away from it you blindly insult the poster with pathetic insults and apparently “intelligent” jokes.

some people here have been brainwahsed so much from the media htey actually now think palestinians are terrorists.

fucking oath, what has happened to our education system.
You may consider acts of Palestinian terrorism as freedom fighting, but at the end of the day the heinous actions committed by some Palestinians against Israeli men, women and children is for the purpose of furthering their own political agenda – this is terrorism. Subsequent Israeli response (referring to that State sanctioned and initiated by the Israel Defense Force or other RECOGNISED security force) is henceforth not terrorism but self-defense. Individual Israelis who enter places of worship and kill and maim Muslims at prayer, throw stones at Palestinian children on their way to school etc are equally terrorists, but then again using numerous justification of Palestinian terrorism as a response to improper acts by Israelis could equally be used for these Israeli terrorists except with regards to Palestinians.

This was an insightful post.

whats the point of debating with you when you clearly think that Israel is innocent, hasnt killed innocent people and think that the Palestinian are terrorists.
im not going to waste my time when its very clear that your the diluted fuckwit. just like most people on this board.

go watch cnn. fucking israeli appeaser.
A debate is when you take on the argument of the opposition and refute claims. A debate is where you respect the fact that others have different opinions and you don’t keep such a closed mind on the situation. This has not been a debate this is you posting your hatred verbatim and dismissing any responses addressing your numerous fallacies as idiotic and simply not worth your time. Again you attack the person posting rather than their posts.

CNN or Fox News, which should I be watching?

watch him call you anti-Semitic. lol. its so predictable these days.
Another serious post?

ok. should Israel exist and why.
Yes, it went to the vote and the world decided. Though (of course) the Mossad must have been involved and the evil Zionists must have rigged the voting system.

Now, after the request from the English federation of Zionist for a Jewish homeland in Palestine was grated it was well and truly known by the British elite that more than 85% of Palestine were Palestine Arabs and less than 1% were Jewish. This is at the time of 1917. Now the British were all so generous in offering land far away from her shores, while at the same fucking period she was far from open armed in welcoming Jewish refugees to her own shores. Now, it is not so insignificant that the geographical location of this new British sponsored Jewish homeland lay in one of the most strategic areas along the main artery of the post 1914 British Empire, in a sensitive position along the route to India as well as in relation to the newly won Arab petroleum lands of the Ottoman Empire.
Not to forget at the time for a Jewish home land had nothing to do with the treatment of Jews were getting in Europe but a Jewish minority pro Britain would give the British a strategic possibilities of enormous importance in the future of the middle east region.
Now maths definitely isn’t my forte but “The Ottoman's 1878 census of the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre disticts (including area not currently in Israel) was 403,795 Muslims (87.3%), 43,659 Christians (9.4%), 15,011 Jews (3.2%); however, this did not count at least 10,000 Jews with foreign citizenship, did not include Bedouins. A 1912 estimate puts the Jewish population at 40,000 (7.0%), but other estimates are higher.” Now I’m certain that 7.0% (and that’s in 1912) is greater than 1%. Who knows? Source:

OMFG, we have a genius here. “claps” Of course they would be ready to accept the fucking borders. UN awarded the Jews 55% of the land of Palestine even though their current holdings totaled only about 6% and their population was only about 35% (608,000). Now this is from 1% in 1917 to 35% post world war 2. These weren’t Jews from Palestine. These were fucking immigrants the British didn’t want and were dispatched to Palestine. survivors of the holocaust. why the fuck arnt they surviving the the new pro Jewish Europe?? Post WW2, Palestinians had a population of 1,237,000. The plan also gave the most fertile lands to the Jews but the mountainous regions to the Arabs.

In their War Of Aggression Of 1948 the Jews took additional Arab lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of Palestine which they kept and never gave back.

Even though this additional land was illegally gained in violation of the Hague Regulations (1907) and the UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force, these new boundaries soon became the “official” boundaries of the new State of Israel.

Simply, why couldn’t there be Israel in Europe. Heck, why didn’t they give a piece of land from Germany to the Jews. Why Palestine?

What good has the state of Israel done? Shit all. Only caused problem in other countries and in their own. The list is endless from War crimes, International terrorism, political corruption by the Jewish Lobby, defamation of character to all critics of Israel, Jewish racist ideology, worldwide instability, growing Western fascism, American debt & inflation, are additional reasons why Israel should not exist.

Israel is bound to die a natural death sooner or later. It cannot survive because of demographic factors i.e. the massive growth in the Palestinian population in the territories and Israel. They cannot survive because sooner or later the US will recognize that Israel is a liability threatening its wider interests in the region.
Again there was a greater Jewish population than 1% in 1917. Secondly you can use those wonderful maps you flamboyantly display to note that much of the Israeli land was arid desert. Jewish ingenuity marketed the surrounding environment and now these regions feature green houses, vineyards and other profitable businesses. Israelis have reaped the land and are enjoying the benefits. Tel Aviv another fine example: built on sand dunes and now a bustling modern city home to one of the largest IT hubs in the world and the most expensive city in the entire Middle East. Numerous people, including Mark Twain defined much of Israel pre-1948 as barren land with little infrastructure and harvesting, including in the fertile lands in the Galilee.

I think you will find in history books that the 1948 War of Independence was as a result of Arab aggression opposed to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East.
Some of your comments sound very familiar. Perhaps because I read them at But then maybe you’re the author eh?

The one thing I agree with is the demographic problem of Israel, which indeed is a problem that may be dealt with by either giving a great portion of land predominately inhabited by Arabs (much of the lower Galilee) to the future Palestinian State.

omg. im a racist because i have mentioned Israel is sort of fucked up. i even mentioned that in my post that this is what is wrong with pro-Israeli fuck wits.
You’re a racist because you call Arabs “half witted baboons” It is not anti-Semitic to debate Israeli policies though it is anti-Semitic to isolate Israel as a sever violator when not put into perspective with the actions of other nations.

and with the highlighted that how low you have come. your going to tell me to leave Australia because i don’t have the same views as you and the govt on the Israeli issue? you should fuck off you pathetic intolerant fuck.

The rest of your post is in regards to what has happened after Israel. simply stating that Israel should be created because of European treatment is not a reason as to why Palestine had to give up its land and does not justify current apartheid going on in Palestine.

the conflict today is a problem from both sides. to say its all the Arabs fault is ludicrous. israel should go back to its original borders and make Jerusalem an international city. if that happens then i don't give a shit. SA is also partially to blame.
Yes, to argue that it is all the Arab’s fault is ludicrous, but to argue that Israel has made no efforts at peace, and that there is no such thing as a Palestinian terrorist is unforgivable and indeed naïve. In creating a solution, there needs to be a realisation that Israel needs recognised and secure borders, and this was certainly not achieved in the unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip.


Jul 29, 2007
i will reply to your post but not tonight, im abit busy. you tell me why israel should exist. i want to here what you have to say. and to say jews deserve a country is not an answer.....its shit talking,
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New Member
Dec 1, 2007
for the sake of it, i'll just stick in my opinion:

with the benefit of hindsight, i think it is fair to say that the UN's decision to allocate the majority of land to a people whom comprise less than half of the population (at that time) was an ineffective choice, if you look at the current situation:

- the subsequent displacement of Arabs have seen Palestinian refugees continue to be a problem in neighbouring Lebanon, Jordan and Iran
- the formal divisions of land are blurred, with illegal building construction by Israelis on Palestinian territory
- despite two seperate societies living right next to each other, there is a gross disparity in living standards between the two groups - as reflected by the media, the youth of Tel Aviv have an enjoyable social life, whilst Palestinians have undergone cuts to electricity, shortages of food and other necessities (to the extent that they had to search for such goods in another country)

This isn't helped by the fact that, as true as it is, Israelis hold susbtansial power in the media and government spheres around the world - at the Federal parliament's commemoration of of 60 years of "Israeli independence", Kevin Rudd led the celebrations and personally made no reference to the displacement of Arabs - this coming from someone whom (only a few months earlier) apologised to Indigenous Australians for their displacement. Only one Arab woman referred to the detriment on Palestinians at that celebration, in an approx 6 minute speech.

However, don't assume I am like the politically incorrect, swearing lunatic that has been ranting on above me

The only practical solution now (although I've been losing hope on this for a while) would be genuine mutual co-existence

To "get rid of" Israel would be repeating the same fatal mistake 60 years ago - we would again see mass displacement of another people.


Jul 29, 2007
lol, my replies from now on wont involve swearing....i just get pumped up lol. my apologies.


Pan fried Steak
Mar 9, 2008
Why would these palestinians need a seperate state, anyway? Israel is pretty much surrounded by arab states.

Why not go live those states, where you can enjoy your culture in friendly surroundings and live in a place where your religious perspectives and opinions are accepted?

If the arabs are so unhappy about these disputed borders, they should have thought otherwise in waging war with Israel.


Mar 16, 2008
I used to believe that Israelis were just misguided or biased about their opinions on the conflict. The only thing that will change people like JaredR's mind is a bullet. That is the policy Palestine needs to adopt if it wants its land back. Israel isn't going to listen or be reasonable.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
TacoTerrorist said:
The only thing that will change people like JaredR's mind is a bullet. That is the policy Palestine needs to adopt if it wants its land back. Israel isn't going to listen or be reasonable.
Fuck you're shit.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
TacoTerrorist said:
Ari you are a burden on the planet. Stop breathing my air you Jewrat.
I'm a burden on the planet?


That seems far more likely to burden the planet than a productive member of society such as myself. And sorry to disappoint you but I am not a Jew. Go fulfill your antisemitic urges somewhere else.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
I wonder if TacoTerrorist is biased towards the issue?
TacoTerrorist said:
Stop breathing my air you Jewrat.
TacoTerrorist said:
Fuck off you worthless right-wing Jewrat
TacoTerrorist said:
I don't like any of you Jew-rat Israeli supporters
TacoTerrorist said:
you filthy Jewrat.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2008
ari89 said:
I wonder if TacoTerrorist is biased towards the issue?
i wonder if you are?

*recalls ari's previous posts*

*looks at sig*


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
TacoTerrorist said:
I used to believe that Israelis were just misguided or biased about their opinions on the conflict. The only thing that will change people like JaredR's mind is a bullet. That is the policy Palestine needs to adopt if it wants its land back. Israel isn't going to listen or be reasonable.
Correct me if I'm wrong but that's the policy the Palestinians have taken for decades? Isn't that the point of all the terrorist attacks? G-d only knows that it hasn't worked in their favour nor will it ever.

Read your history books.

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