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Israel attacks Lebanon (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
ur a psycho aryan and instead of acting like a smart ass why dont u go read up on what muslims not ARABS are supposed to wear ? lets tease the jews while we're at is, since they grow tails out of their sideburns :D

and yeah right alot of girls were giving consent to marriage and sex and whatever else 1400 years ago :rolleyes:


Oct 13, 2004
Aryan, women are given the right the vote in all Arab nations. KSA is the only exeption.

It seems you're making stuff up as you go along.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Stop promoting paedophilia, would you want to marry a 54 yrs old man when you were just 9 yrs old? I don't think you ever thought about sex at age 9 unless those girls in arabs are different than girls nowadays in terms of mental development.

Another interesting news from BBC
A second suspect in last month's alleged plot to blow up German trains has been arrested in Lebanon, prosecutors in Germany say.
They say Jihad Hamad, 19, turned himself in to police in the northern city of Tripoli.

The other suspect, a 21-year-old Lebanese student, was arrested in the German city of Kiel last week.

Two bombs were found on trains in Dortmund and Koblenz in late July. The devices failed to go off, police said.

The bombers had intended to kill large numbers of people, police said.

Seems like lebanon has become terror hub replacing pakistan nowadays :(
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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Jordan.J said:
Aryan, women are given the right the vote in all Arab nations. KSA is the only exeption.

It seems you're making stuff up as you go along.
Saudia Arabia : Only male have voting rights in local election. No Parliamentary elections at all!

Brunei and UAE : Not only Women, but also Men don't have the right to vote, living at the mercy of their Sheikh!

Even in Lebanon, only educated women are allowed to vote while uneducated men can also vote. Such a discriminatory policy.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
Aryanbeauty said:
Stop promoting paedophilia, would you want to marry a 54 yrs old man when you were just 9 yrs old? I don't think you ever thought about sex at age 9 unless those girls in arabs are different than girls nowadays in terms of mental development.
it was over a thousand years ago, like i already said ! i dont think there was such a thing as 'paedophilia', if it happened last yr i'd be the 1st one to say wtf....


Oct 13, 2004
I already noted KSA

Brunei isnt Arab

UAE don't even have elections, so it isnt relevant to the point of women's suffrage.

This refutes your claim of Hardly in any arab world women have the right to vote.

You should really stop making up stuff, it undermines what little credibility you have


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Stick to the topic (i.e., Israel, Lebanon and Hezbollah) or this thread will be closed.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Jordan.J said:
I already noted KSA

Brunei isnt Arab

UAE don't even have elections, so it isnt relevant to the point of women's suffrage.

This refutes your claim of Hardly in any arab world women have the right to vote.

You should really stop making up stuff, it undermines what little credibility you have
Brunei is not arab but still Muslim country, UAE where even men have no political rights. Saudi Arabia, still ruled by absolute monarchy. Egypt and Syria ruled by Dictators. What is more important is the lack of freedom of Speech, religion, press. Yet you guys have the guts to critisize Israel on human rights. Israel is heaven compared to Arab worlds in terms of Human rights and liberty.

Back to Lebanon, while Israel is doing everything it can to move to peace process, obeying ceasefire and withdrawing troops from Lebanon, the Arab neighbour particularly Syria is doing everything it can to foil any peace between Israel and Lebanon.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned it would be considered a hostile move, while Mr Tuomioja said his Syrian counterpart told him Syria would close its borders if the deployment happened. LINK
A sure sign that Hizbollah is getting its weapons from Syria and Iran through Lebanese border with Syria. Why would Syria oppose peacekeepers near its borders? Because they don't want their arms and weapons support to Hizbollah be stopped and they are afraid that Lebanon will have peace with Israel, leaving behind Syria to stand by herself against Israel as Israel already have peace with Egypt and Jordan. The only countries left are Syria and Lebanon.


Feb 2, 2005
what is intyernational law when youre dealing with terrorists??
How many times do i have to point this out? - Thats the whole point - they are terrorists because they violate laws whether they be international, national and even local!.

giving the palestinian government more freedom is an open invitation for more sucide bombings and attacks!
How can you make claim such as that? Its out of the blue moon, the whole reason they are attackin Israel is because they feel oppressed - they lack their own identity and they struggle to live.

The palestinians are not fighting for freeodm from israel in the sense that they can live next to each other...the whole notion and concept of a two state solution has been removed from their dictionary in the eventual hope of wiping the state of israel (and the jews) off the face of the planet.
Things work in both ways.. Israel recognises the palestinian government - whoever they may be led by me and i am sure Palestine will recognise Israel. Remember Israel is the 'big brother' here and they should lead by example.

They had some sort of freedom and exploited it..how can the israel government trust the palestinian government when the lives of their citizens are at stake?
israel has made the first move many a time..
They never had any freedom as such. Trust is what runs the world - thats like asking how can the palestinians trust the Israelis?..

well then could you not call the majorit of countries that have gone to war with other organisations and countries, with your loose definition, with clear economic and military power, terrorists?
There are very few countries in the world that have gone to WAR!. Israel has been numerous wars mostly defensive in the early period and now on the offensive. But they have also done numerous incidents in between.. such as they way reacted to the intifada , numerous Lebanese invasions and occupations and the manner the way treated palestinians.
Countless human rights organisations have all claimed that Israel has violated the geneva war conventions, violating un resolutions, violating international laws. There is no 'loose defintion' here, its quite plain and clear that Israel has done this.

Just because they are democratic - does not mean they are not terrorists. If analyse terrorist organisations such as alqaeda etc, Israel is very similat to them, i would say it would not be wrong to call Israel a terrorist nation. Trying to inflict fear into the ARAB world and more specifically warding off - political parties attempting to find peace and move against pro-Israeli policies.
Jul 22, 2006
what is intyernational law when youre dealing with terrorists??
giving the palestinian government more freedom is an open invitation for more sucide bombings and attacks!
...too bad israel doesnt seem to consider the 1000+ people that died in lebanon 10,000+ people kidnapped from lebanon and palestine and other arab countries....

if that is the only way people seem to realise that they exist and that israel is violating human rights both in lebanon and palestine then what the hell do you expect them to do? stand around until they follow the others...i wouldnt say its as huge as what israel is doing...

The palestinians are not fighting for freeodm from israel in the sense that they can live next to each other...the whole notion and concept of a two state solution has been removed from their dictionary in the eventual hope of wiping the state of israel (and the jews) off the face of the planet.
They had some sort of freedom and exploited it..how can the israel government trust the palestinian government when the lives of their citizens are at stake?
israel has made the first move many a time..
well then could you not call the majorit of countries that have gone to war with other organisations and countries, with your loose definition, with clear economic and military power, terrorists?

sure they arent fighting for freedom they just like the israeli government killing their people...and they just loovvvvvve commiting suicide ...yeah right...

how can anyone trust and stand up for a nation which is killing innocent cilvilians just because "they have sources" which say that there is a hezballah militant in the area...and not to mention that they seem to make mistakes eg Gana which ended up killing at least 65 civilians- 35 of them children:(

how an the palestinians trust israel when they are killing kidnapping and destroying their lives? it isnt israels right to choose whether a civilian not from israel should have freedom or not...

also the arabs aint doing anything to the israelis which the israelis aint doing to them...israel is killing more civilians in arab countries yet no one cares you only care when something happens to an israeli...:(


the israel government is just sick...:angry:

Israeli girls write messages on a shell at a heavy artillery position near Kiryat
Shmona in northern Israel. Photograph: Sebastian Scheiner/AP

now wtf is this?????? and its not the muslims or arabs that are teaching their children hatred...

poor little kids that died:( :( :( :(


Nov 29, 2005
HotShot said:
How many times do i have to point this out? - Thats the whole point - they are terrorists because they violate laws whether they be international, national and even local!.
i was merely trying to show that people cannot use the argument that israel is breaking intl law...when what is intl law when terrorists are involved?

How can you make claim such as that? Its out of the blue moon, the whole reason they are attackin Israel is because they feel oppressed - they lack their own identity and they struggle to live.
thats bullshit! when israel offered arafat 98% of what he wanted, the man had a heartache...wow these people really want peace...he didnt accept...thats not what he wanted and thats not what theyve been brainwashed into thinking either!!

Things work in both ways.. Israel recognises the palestinian government - whoever they may be led by me and i am sure Palestine will recognise Israel. Remember Israel is the 'big brother' here and they should lead by example.
israel has long recognised the palestinian govt BEFORE hamas came into power. they are a terrorist organisation - nothing more said.
Israel has presented numerous peace plans to the Palestinian government of the respective time period - all rejected

They never had any freedom as such. Trust is what runs the world - thats like asking how can the palestinians trust the Israelis?..
how can the israelis trust a bunch of people who are run by corrupt leaders, governing a society who rejoice for the death of their own loved ones as well as others..
they will never have freedom...not even if a two state solution was agreed upon. because as you put it...trust is what runs the world and the israelis dont trust the palestinians - simple

There are very few countries in the world that have gone to WAR!. Israel has been numerous wars mostly defensive in the early period and now on the offensive. But they have also done numerous incidents in between.. such as they way reacted to the intifada , numerous Lebanese invasions and occupations and the manner the way treated palestinians.
Countless human rights organisations have all claimed that Israel has violated the geneva war conventions, violating un resolutions, violating international laws. There is no 'loose defintion' here, its quite plain and clear that Israel has done this.
the manner in which israel has reacted is based upon opinion...the mere fact that there have been so many attacks, killings and bombings is a strong indicator for mnay that their reaction has been too passive.

Just because they are democratic - does not mean they are not terrorists. If analyse terrorist organisations such as alqaeda etc, Israel is very similat to them, i would say it would not be wrong to call Israel a terrorist nation. Trying to inflict fear into the ARAB world and more specifically warding off - political parties attempting to find peace and move against pro-Israeli policies.
how is israel similar to them? they dont wish for the total destruction of a people? they dont send their citizens with explosives packed with shrapnel into a crowded arab area with the intent of killing and maming as many as possible..awaiting a paradise at the end of the tunnel

the leader

Aug 13, 2006
Well depsite your gender you could well be a male since arabs wear bedsheet and covers their faces with burka.

Come on, Aryan, you had a go at me a few days ago for bring 'ignorant', but the above quote is really a bit silly. Why could I well be a male if I am a female?? Why would a male wear a burqua? Why would I wear a burqua if I'm a Maronite(yes, I'm Lebanese, and yes, I'm a Maronite)??
Believe it or not, not all Arabs are Muslim. Now, really, who's the ignorant one here?


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
jenzipoo said:
what is intyernational law when youre dealing with terrorists??
here, you make the admission that israel is in violation of international law which is designed to dissuade terrorism everywhere in all circumstances, no matter what, they still stand - even its to fight the evil war crimes being perpetrated by the zionists
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Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
jenzipoo said:
thats bullshit! when israel offered arafat 98% of what he wanted, the man had a heartache...wow these people really want peace...he didnt accept...thats not what he wanted and thats not what theyve been brainwashed into thinking either!!
whats wrong with simply giving back the rest of the 2%, if it ever was that much the "manificent" israelis were so "tenderly" offering to return!!!!


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
the leader said:
Well depsite your gender you could well be a male since arabs wear bedsheet and covers their faces with burka.

Come on, Aryan, you had a go at me a few days ago for bring 'ignorant', but the above quote is really a bit silly. Why could I well be a male if I am a female?? Why would a male wear a burqua? Why would I wear a burqua if I'm a Maronite(yes, I'm Lebanese, and yes, I'm a Maronite)??
Believe it or not, not all Arabs are Muslim. Now, really, who's the ignorant one here?
dont bother leader, aryan just ignores posts that point out his ignorance


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
I noticed the terrorist supporters are in full swing while I was away :p

fake Leader, i meant you could be arab male crossdressing. Comprende? I am the one who educate you arab fools since I joined this board. I highly doubt you are christian lebanese, most Christian lebanese i knew support Israel, and they want Israel to kill all Hizbollah.

Palestinians are not Lebanese and Hizbollah as a Lebanese terrorist orgsanization has no business in Israel or Palestine. If you don't want to die in thousands stop attacking Israel.


Jul 2, 2004
jenzipoo said:
The palestinians are not fighting for freeodm from israel in the sense that they can live next to each other...the whole notion and concept of a two state solution has been removed from their dictionary in the eventual hope of wiping the state of israel (and the jews) off the face of the planet.
It would be very interesting to know what the views of the Palestinian people are about the two state solution because Hamas' determination to destroy Israel was only part of the reason they were elected. The lack of hindsight makes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so difficult to solve.

Israel's experiences with Gaza and Lebanon would discourage any withdrawal from the West Bank. This only strengthens Israeli conservatives who oppose any withdrawal saying it encourages terrorism and that they shouldnt conceed land to people who aim to destroy them. But at the last Israeli election in March, Likud received very few votes and Labour did very well considering that Hamas won the Palestinian poll.

Now its time to criticise Palestinian (Fatah party) and Israeli proposals for the two-state solution.

Olmert has said he wants to keep the Jordan Valley (West Bank territory neighbouring Jordan), thereby isolating the West Bank from Jordan. This is a very stupid policy since it would take away Palestinian sovereignty of its border and take away large amounts of Palestinian land. Plus its odd that the Israelis would be so keen to control the border since Jordan is one of the most moderate Arab countries and would probably allow foreign suveillance of the border to stop weapons being smuggled.

Now this so called "right of return" is a load of crap. The Arabs not only want a state but they want Palestinians to have the right to return to the land which today is Israel. This would change the demographics of Israel, a severe threat to its Jewish character and Israel would potentially have an Arab majority. The only Jewish nation in the world would cease to exist.


New Member
Sep 12, 2005
North Parammatta
hmmm ok.. lets me just brush everyone here, muslim or christian, jew or arab, black or white.. this is what a terrorist is:

One who utilizes the systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve political objectives, while disguised as a civilian non-combatant. The use of a civilian disguise while on operations exempts the perpetrator from protection under the Geneva Conventions, and consequently if captured they are liable for prosecution as common criminals.

ok, so now we know what terrorism is, isnt it funny how the first impression we get of an arab muslim is either a terrorist, or a dirty person, yet when we hear of Jews, we straight away think, smart people, live in the city, luvin life... this is all due to the media, they are always attacking the weaker nations and weaker peoples. This stereotypical view of arabs and islam is wrong. Islam is a beautiful religion and in no way endorses "terrorism". It is the infact opposite, it says in the Qura'an that a muslim man must not touch a leaf on a tree, yet when we hear of a muslim man, we think, he's blowing himself up. What kind of view are the media giving here in australia.

Ok, as for lebanon vs Israel... come on, israel is a far more technologically advanced and economically advanced country than a few arab nations put together... dont you think that if they wanted to they could stop the nonsense between them straight away, but nooooo... they were "defending themselves". yup, i can understand that, blowing up bridges out of town, destroying parts of the airport and killing children is "defending" now is it??

There is so much oppression of muslim people here in australia. I had to listen to my mother tell me about how she was assaulted in the public shops... she was wearing the hijab (the "scarf") and was assaulted by 2 men, reportedly of australian ethnicity, attacking her and making fun of her, in broad daylight in the middle of the public shops, tell me now, if the media had said otherwise about islam and arabs, do you think my mum would have been asaulted, of all the 14 years of my life that i have resided here, there was never once a time that anything like this had happened to us here, but after the 9/11 attacks came about...

well, im not here to type up my life story :p... its jst a message to all to really look into the media and do go around making claims saying that arabs are terrorists and dirty people (and im not saying that anyone has said that they ALL are terrorists) and saying that Jews are all sick terrorists that arent defending themeselves and attacking lebanon for fun, then you must take another look at the news and research yourselves about what the whole thing is about

Thanks, jst having my say :)
peace and god bless

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