Israel–Gaza conflict (2 Viewers)


Jan 10, 2009
Trefoil said:
support gunmen
You support gunmen? GTFO!

No seriously, I once again ask you to place yourself in a Gazans shoes, and ask yourself if you would be that unhappy about the targeting of Israeli civilians who are living where they ought not to be.

*waits for angry, nonsensical, unrelated response*

Exphate said:
You're an absolute retard Neb.
Exphate, near every post you've made in this thread has been shot to pieces. You don't have a credible opinion at all. Shuttup, you fat piece of shit.


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
quirkyfly said:
They must be sooo traumatised, how can people do such a thing! <sarcasm>

I swear, Israeli's are uttermost hypocrites. They go beserk when rockets are fired at them when they bombard us Palestinians continuously, committing genocide, murdering innocent children, women and men, and it was planned for six months.

Definitely NOT any retaliation. They broke the ceasefire. They planned TO WANTON MURDER.
It seems from your post that you are naive to the situation and a cause that I have been against for some time now.

1. Hamas broke the "ceasefire". A "ceasefire" that was not observed by Hamas and only by Israel as Hamas continuously fired rockets into the Southern Negev region of Israel effecting Israeli men women and children.

2. Israel is not engaged in a war with the Palestinians. If Israel was engaged with a war with Palestinians there would be military action in the West Bank. Israel is engage in a war with Hamas a terrorist organisation as recognised by the United Nations, European Union and Australia (along with many other countries.).

3. Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel for many years now. This is not a new thing. What has made the situation even more dire is the acquisition of rockets that can now reach even larger civillian hubs such as Ashkelon, Ashdod and Be'er Sheva. All of these cities lie within soverign Israel as afforded to them by the International community.

4. Even if this war of self-defense was planned six months ago, it was well within the scope of self-defense then as it is now - the rocket fire (as previously mentioned) has been ongoing for some years now. If this war was planned six months ago I'm sure that no exact date was given, especially a date that would fall directly in line with the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.

5. As Israel continues it's strike on Hamas, it's leaders hide cowardly as their people (remembering they are the government) die. What kind of community leaders are they? Palestinians blindly loyal to them run around the streets of Gaza protecting themselves by hiding in UN buildings, homes filled with women and children and even so callously using children as direct human shields.

6. Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005 with no plans to return to the land. This was a bold attempt by the then PM Ariel Sharon (who received much criticism) to broker some sort of step towards peace with the Palestinian population. His efforts were responded with a bloody overthrow that saw Hamas militants throwing their rival "moderate" Fatah from the rooftops of Gaza buildings.

7. If Israel was committing genocide and indiscriminately killing the civillian population, the death toll of women and children would be far higher. The Gaza Strip is small with a population of 1.5 million people.

8. Israel is involved in a war of self-defense. The citizens of Israel deserve the right to live in peace and security within internationally recognised borders just as the Palestinian population does.

This is only possible with international recognition of terrorism as a barrier to peace, the disarmement of Hamas and the reinstatement of the moderate Fatah Party and leader Mahmoud Abbas who has continued to hold dialogue with the Israeli leadership even during this current conflict.


Jan 10, 2009
JaredR said:
1. Hamas broke the "ceasefire". A "ceasefire" that was not observed by Hamas and only by Israel as Hamas continuously fired rockets into the Southern Negev region of Israel effecting Israeli men women and children.
We have confirmed that ISRAEL BROKE THE CEASEFIRE about 3000 times in this thread.

3. Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel for many years now. This is not a new thing. What has made the situation even more dire is the acquisition of rockets that can now reach even larger civillian hubs such as Ashkelon, Ashdod and Be'er Sheva. All of these cities lie within soverign Israel as afforded to them by the International community.
All true (except for that international community business, as the borders of Israel are far from solid, even in places like Beersheba). But I would like it very much if you were to admit to some aspects of Israeli aggression against Gaza. You may include the past two weeks in this summary. Go ahead, Jared, give it a try.

5. As Israel continues it's strike on Hamas, it's leaders hide cowardly as their people (remembering they are the government) die. What kind of community leaders are they? Palestinians blindly loyal to them run around the streets of Gaza protecting themselves by hiding in UN buildings, homes filled with women and children and even so callously using children as direct human shields.
Hamas hides amongst the civilians, but Israel continues to drop the bombs. I think we all know who is worse in that aspect (except for the ultra right wing Zionists like yourself).

6. Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005 with no plans to return to the land. This was a bold attempt by the then PM Ariel Sharon (who received much criticism) to broker some sort of step towards peace with the Palestinian population. His efforts were responded with a bloody overthrow that saw Hamas militants throwing their rival "moderate" Fatah from the rooftops of Gaza buildings.
This was a bold attempt by Ariel Sharon to let go of the burden that was Gaza. He then left the area crippled with poverty, without proper trade, blocked off to both Egypt and Israel, and without control of its own air and naval space. Israel withdrew from Gaza in the loosest sense of the word, but their oppression remained in the enclave.

8. Israel is involved in a war of self-defense. The citizens of Israel deserve the right to live in peace and security within internationally recognised borders just as the Palestinian population does.
Self defense has connotations of proportionately. Israel is not defending itself against Hamas, it is doing a whole lot more.

In sum, you are a biased moron, and the worst type of Zionist.


Google &quot;9-11&quot; and &quot;truth&quot;
Dec 20, 2004
JaredR said:
It seems from your post that you are naive to the situation and a cause that I have been against for some time now.

1. Hamas broke the "ceasefire". A "ceasefire" that was not observed by Hamas and only by Israel as Hamas continuously fired rockets into the Southern Negev region of Israel effecting Israeli men women and children.

2. Israel is not engaged in a war with the Palestinians. If Israel was engaged with a war with Palestinians there would be military action in the West Bank. Israel is engage in a war with Hamas a terrorist organisation as recognised by the United Nations, European Union and Australia (along with many other countries.).

3. Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel for many years now. This is not a new thing. What has made the situation even more dire is the acquisition of rockets that can now reach even larger civillian hubs such as Ashkelon, Ashdod and Be'er Sheva. All of these cities lie within soverign Israel as afforded to them by the International community.

4. Even if this war of self-defense was planned six months ago, it was well within the scope of self-defense then as it is now - the rocket fire (as previously mentioned) has been ongoing for some years now. If this war was planned six months ago I'm sure that no exact date was given, especially a date that would fall directly in line with the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.

5. As Israel continues it's strike on Hamas, it's leaders hide cowardly as their people (remembering they are the government) die. What kind of community leaders are they? Palestinians blindly loyal to them run around the streets of Gaza protecting themselves by hiding in UN buildings, homes filled with women and children and even so callously using children as direct human shields.

6. Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005 with no plans to return to the land. This was a bold attempt by the then PM Ariel Sharon (who received much criticism) to broker some sort of step towards peace with the Palestinian population. His efforts were responded with a bloody overthrow that saw Hamas militants throwing their rival "moderate" Fatah from the rooftops of Gaza buildings.

7. If Israel was committing genocide and indiscriminately killing the civillian population, the death toll of women and children would be far higher. The Gaza Strip is small with a population of 1.5 million people.

8. Israel is involved in a war of self-defense. The citizens of Israel deserve the right to live in peace and security within internationally recognised borders just as the Palestinian population does.

This is only possible with international recognition of terrorism as a barrier to peace, the disarmement of Hamas and the reinstatement of the moderate Fatah Party and leader Mahmoud Abbas who has continued to hold dialogue with the Israeli leadership even during this current conflict.
lol. shit postin'.
Jul 22, 2006
Exphate said:
I'm well aware that the humanitarian situation in Palestine has been fucked for a fair amount of time, not just during this crisis, as well as the population isn't solely made up of Hamas supporters or members (hence me saying "civilians"), and anyone making this claim is completely retarded.

Relevenace? They are firing rockets INTO ISRAEL. Aiming to kill people IN ISRAEL, regardless of race, religion, gender, status in teh military, age, etc etc. But good job agreeing with my point :)
lol, i said before they targetted civilians didn't i?

& I know where they're firing, Israelis are also firing INTO GAZA. Aiming to kill people IN GAZA. Granted, they drop leaflets telling civilians to stay away from militants in 'terrorist groups', but does this actually work? I mean how many civilians actually know that the people near them are Hamas militants, or connected to any other 'terrorist' group?

Get where this is going?

Have I stated that the people being killed in Palestine by Israeli bombings are all terrorists? Quite the contrary in fact. I suggest you revisit my posts before running this line.
No you didn't. I kindof assumed because of the 'Israel can aim' thing. My bad.

John Oliver said:
Particularly given how dedicated Hamas has been to killing those Palestinians that have been supporting Fatah.
Mhm. And they seem to have a thing for shit rockets that end up hitting their own people.

I think the fact that Hamas is indiscriminately aiming to cause generalised carnage, rather than targeting their missiles shows a massive difference in the moral basis for their actions.
Okay, i agree with you on that. They don't really seem to care about who they're killing...

No doubt there have been terrible amounts of civilian casualties, but you have to keep in mind that Hamas does use youths and women as soldiers. This does not excuse the random slaughter of women and children in Palestine as potential soldiers, though.
Oh nah, i know they do. It's fairly obvious, i kindof think the human shields once used would have been soldiers in training or people who wanted to help Hamas, they wouldn't have picked random strangers.

I really don't get what Israel's endgame is in this situation anymore.
I think it's kindof clear. I mean from the start they've said this won't end soon, that there will be many deaths, and that they want to eliminate terror. I don't see why they would leave when they're so close to being done.

I don't think any sane person could deny that Hamas hasn't killed civilians, or that they really CARE about whether they kill Israeli civilians or not. I do however think you guys need to look at the bigger picture, in that these people who end up thinking Hamas are right only do so becuase they see their familes die in front of them, and see everyone not doing anything about it. They probably think this is right, something like 'an eye for an eye'?

Ben Netanyahu

Nov 15, 2008
Tel Aviv, Israel
At this time 850 people are dead in Gaza.

How many Israeli civilians have died in his history of Hamas, from Hamas, I wonder?

I would interested to note this.


Jul 18, 2007
Ben Netanyahu said:
At this time 850 people are dead in Gaza.

How many Israeli civilians have died in his history of Hamas, from Hamas, I wonder?

I would interested to note this.
It means IDF is the BEST in the world and they are the most successful terrorist fighter ever, and Operation Cast Lead has been the most successful military operation against a terrorist organisation. Well Done Israel, may God Bless you! :angel:

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
Fuck that, even if over the last 8 years Hamas hadn't killed 800+ Israelis with their constant shelling, it's the principle of the thing.

You can't be like lol well Hamas may have been shelling Israel for years, but Israel isn't allowed to fight back and eradicate the bastards coz it's not far that Israel's bombs actually hit their targets.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Yeah, is there any nation on earth that would not respond to rocket attacks on its territory? Rockets with increasing range?


Google &quot;9-11&quot; and &quot;truth&quot;
Dec 20, 2004
lol, WELL HAMAS HAS FIRED ROCKETS, is the best rebuttal to anything.
Jul 22, 2006
katie tully said:
Fuck that, even if over the last 8 years Hamas hadn't killed 800+ Israelis with their constant shelling, it's the principle of the thing.

You can't be like lol well Hamas may have been shelling Israel for years, but Israel isn't allowed to fight back and eradicate the bastards coz it's not far that Israel's bombs actually hit their targets.
So you're saying those innocent civilians were the target?

This isn't about 'Israel having the right to protect itself', we all agreed that it is their right, and every other countries right too. The point is they're killing civilians, they say 'Hamas are terrorists, they're killing Israeli civilians', how is them killing Palestinian civilians any different? Yeah we get it, they aim at terrorists, but in some places it was made clear that there ARE civilians in the area, and that there are MORE civilians than terrorists. Plus, some places didn't have 'terrorists' they just had 'weapons'.

&We've proved to you all that there was a lack of supply, something Israel did intentionally. Not to mention the various forms of torture and abuse Palestinians had/have to deal with. This is about innocent people dying. I highly doubt 200+ children were a threat to Israel.

Iron; Hamas didn't fire at Israel during the ceasefire. Israel broke the ceasefire when they killed 6 people in Novemeber. Therefore, shouldn't the PALESTINIANS be the ones protecting themselves?


Google &quot;9-11&quot; and &quot;truth&quot;
Dec 20, 2004
katie tully said:
Fuck that, even if over the last 8 years Hamas hadn't killed 800+ Israelis with their constant shelling, it's the principle of the thing.

You can't be like lol well Hamas may have been shelling Israel for years, but Israel isn't allowed to fight back and eradicate the bastards coz it's not far that Israel's bombs actually hit their targets.



of bombing UN schools.


Google &quot;9-11&quot; and &quot;truth&quot;
Dec 20, 2004
Would everyone itt, who supports Israel, also have supported South Africa's apartheid??

Trick question; answer is yes.

*denies rights to non-Jews*


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Yer but the inner-ANC were gentlemen

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