secular state =! secular society
Australia is a secular state, but is a society dominated by Christian values.
@bassguy - the original German bishops were predominantly anti-Nazi, but through the close Papal links with Mussolini(Concordat of 1929) and close links between Hitler and Mussolini(Pact of Steel) Hitler eventualy gained the power to appoint and dismiss Catholic Bishops in the Reich, and of course those ones were supporters of Hitler.
@emocore - you used to be a better troll
Australia is a secular state, but is a society dominated by Christian values.
In what sense is it more reasonable to believe is science? How is science proven, by the rules that the scientific establishment has told us. Secular society is also based on faith in some larger concept.sthcross.dude said:In what sense is it more reasonable to believe in the unproven Christian god than the unproven muslim god?
@bassguy - the original German bishops were predominantly anti-Nazi, but through the close Papal links with Mussolini(Concordat of 1929) and close links between Hitler and Mussolini(Pact of Steel) Hitler eventualy gained the power to appoint and dismiss Catholic Bishops in the Reich, and of course those ones were supporters of Hitler.
@emocore - you used to be a better troll