Just Bee Yourself 🐝
But muslim scientists exist, and they conducted experiments and published various findings. I'm not saying they should have taken the words in the quran and published it as their own research. I am saying, given the "knowledge" they gained from the Quran, they should have had an insurmountable advantage over Christian scientists in being able to form the scientific explanation of the knowledge revealed in the Quran. They did experiments, so why didn't they do the right experiments like Christians?Muslim scientists cannot be held accountable for such scientific discoveries simply because they did not discover anything. They cannot claim what they believe to be the word of God as something that they have discovered. They did not carry the experiments the Christian scientists who started from scratch e.g quantum stuff
If you say they had no need, then first of all, again, they were doing experiments and trying to work stuff out, so it's not like they resigned themselves to being satisfied by the "knowledge" gained from the Quran. Secondly, muslims were able to do very little with all this supposed knowledge in terms of making advances in fields like technology and medicine. Even when they did make some progress, this was disproportionately a result of secular Persian thinkers, which is the opposite of what we should expect if Islam is providing knowledge.
Yeah, no. You're clearly not being objective here. You believe Islam is true, therefore you assume the Quran must be true and rationalise anything to justify your belief.As long as the meanings are derived from the possible meanings set in the original Arabic, then our understanding will not be wrong. The Quran matches the observable facts of the universe. It takes to the limit of people’s knowledge through its word usage, to match the people that understood it 1400 years ago and to also match the observations of future generations. This is evident through the “clot” scenario too.
Yeah, see, this kind of shit is just absurd. Allah is all powerful. He doesn't need to put 'pegs' in the ground. He could easily have designed the world such that it doesn't need pegs. Under Islam, nothing is "impossible" for allah. The fact that earth has tectonic plates that move around is a result of how he chose to design the earth. He didn't need to use anything to hold them in place, he simply could have decided that they don't move, full stop.The Qur’an in the above verse implies to make something rooted; to anchor; or, to fix something firmly not allowing that to move freely in which it has been fixed. The earth has different layers and by fixing the earth’s crust they prevent any sliding over the magma layer or amongst the layers themselves. In short, the mountains can be compared to the nails holding various strips of wood together. The earth revolves quickly around its own axis, were it not for the fixing effect of the mountains, these plaques would shift and shock the earth. In such an event, the life would be impossible.
This is breath-takingly obvious examples of muslims taking the world the way it is and then coming up with explanations that are consistent with their ideology. Of course, it makes no sense that Allah's design is subject to laws of physics that we must overcome. HE created those laws in the first place.
Mountains are a result of tectonic plates colliding with each other. To say they stop the plates moving around is to say that a wall stops cars from driving too quickly.Mountains “float” on the denser mantle but they are “fixed” in the sense of isostasy.

Isostasy | Plate Tectonics, Earth’s Crust & Gravity | Britannica
Isostasy, ideal theoretical balance of all large portions of Earth’s lithosphere as though they were floating on the denser underlying layer, the asthenosphere, a section of the upper mantle composed of weak, plastic rock that is about 110 km (70 miles) below the surface. Isostasy controls the

I "choose" to not believe in god in the same way I "choose" to not to believe 1 + 1 =3, which is to say, not at all. I could not "choose" to believe either of these things even if my life depended on it.Finally, I just wanted to make it clear that all the purpose of me writing on this thread is not to “convert” anyone. It does not bother me whether you choose to believe in god or not.
There is NOTHING irrational or hateful in this thread as far as myself or other talking about Islam. It is on the other hand profoundly irrational to believe in god on the basis of the Quran or any other religious text. It is profoundly rational to be opposed to the spread of Islam, given the backward and hateful behavior of muslims all across the globe.If you have noticed, the only reason I contribute to this thread is when I see a misconception of Islam being spread. I do not try and find fault in any other religion, and when i do question atheism it is never in a disrespectful manner. Because all I want to do is highlight how while you may not agree with something, other people (e.g me) do find reason in it and this difference is no excuse for spreading irrational fear and hatred.
There is nothing disrespectful about pointing out your religion is completely incompatible with science.
Of course it is. You don't like the fact that somebody pointed out the holes in your backward, irrational ideology, so you run away.This is my last response on this thread.