look. Ive done a few and these things get me through it.
Drink a lot of water, when I'm tired and dehydrated i can get headaches easily. Also the fact that i go to the toilet often gets me up off my seat and moving every like half an hour or so ( i drink like 6 litres during all nighters). It's good to get moving because it just helps you shift your concentration away from work for a second which can be helpful when you're really stressed out.
DO NOT SLEEP. What do you think an all nighter is?
don't go caffeine too early, i seem to have a strong 3 hours at around 11pm-2am then i resort to coffee to give me a strong 2:30-5:30 session.
Lastly, you're gonna realise things take longer than you think they will during an allnighter. Prepare to have enough time to finish what you need to do and make sure you don't stress out if you think you're not going to complete or assignment or cover something fully, that will just make it worse.
now you're gonna feel like complete shit the next day but sometimes you just have to do it k, and remember to drink heaps of water kent so you don't get headaches or is that just me.