ok, i do this stuff alot and this is what ive learnt:
DO NOT STOP OR REST. you WILL fall asleep, and if u dont, it will make you really tired just by resting your head on the desk.
dont overdo the stimulants/sugar, u will feel like shit. eat something with carbs like 2 min noodles or toast
drink lots of water because its easier for your brain to function when you drink heaps, and it gets ur blood circulating when you go for a whiz
have like a 8hr Mozart soundtrack from youtube playing softly all the time(or whatever floats your boat, classical is just good for concentration)
perhaps have a nap as soon as you get home from school just to recoperate a bit before doing this to yourself, even a 20min nap can help your brain immensely
lhave a plan for what your going to get done, and have a time schedule to do it in. if you dont finish a task in time, just move on to the next one and finish it at the end if you have time.
assume time goes twice as fast in all nighters so ALLOW EXTRA TIME!!!
take breaks when you stop being productive. watch a utube vid or if your not scared of being mugged do some laps of the block. its really good for waking u up and refreshing yourself. have a shower as some point too thats good aswell.
if you have your ps or bike ls, do a maccas run. this is good because it keeps your mind stimulated on by road but uses a different part of your brain so the parts for studying get some rest. all nighters put massive strain on your brain, so be gentle with it, u only get one and u need to use it the next day.
on breaks/showers/maccas runs ect, STICK TO A TIME FRAME! dont let yourself waste all your study time!
yeah thats all i can think of now. just beware that the next day you will be a sloth so always be active and dont rest or you will nod off....
good luck