Hey, this group sounds like a great idea!
Maybe before the HSC as well, we could all have a study day, it'd be cool to share notes and stress together!
I'm yr 12, doing
Fall of Rome
I have no clue what I did yr 11, but PM if you really want to know. I've got good notes and stuff, I did pretty well, so yeah let me know!
hey guys
I'm jono and i'm in year 12 and we're doin:
Personality - Akhenaten
Athenian society in the time of Pericles
The Greek World 500-440 BC
Egyptian society Amenhotep III - Ramesses II
doin augustus and the julio claudians = i am screwed in that as i didint learn much as i changed schools at the start of the year =(
doing agrippina the younger
and doing old kingdom egypt at the moment
I'm doing...
Amenhotep III to death of Ramses III (historical period)
Akhenaten (Personality)
Ramesside Dynasty (additional historical period)
Sparta to battle of Lectura (society)
anyone else out there doing Akhenaten or the AmIII topic? Would love to share some notes!!!
sor far we've done bog bodies (is that even ancient)
and now we're going Tut and Deir el Medina....then its Minoans and next year (if i'm still there) its more Egypt with Ramses (i forgot which one)......i wanted to do rome instead....
- Agrippina the Younger (not many ppl seem to be doing her)
- Augustus to Titus
- Ramesside Period
- Amenhotep III to Ramesses II
As you can see my teacher loves Egypt and Rome.
According to her Hadrian is the cute boyfriend, she gets all lovey-dovey when speaking abt Augustus and she thinks we are ALL going to go to Rome and Egypt when we have finished school.
Personality: Agrippina the Younger, Ramses II
Historical Period: New Kingdom Egypt: Amenhotep III-Ramses II
Historical Society: New Kingdom Egypt: Rammeside Period
Historical Period: Augustus & Julio Claudians
Btw i do still have my notes if anyone hasn't noticed my other thread yet. So pm me if u want any.
Greece 500-440
Myceanaean Society
Julius Caesar
The Fall of the Roman Republic
This year at uni I've done the Archaic Period in Greece (roughly 800-500), and I'm doing the early Julio Claudians (Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula) and the near East (Mespotamia- Suma and Assyria, Israel, Egypt and the Hittites in the 2nd millenium BC).
I tutor if anyone (Sydney area, near public transport) needs it!
Hey hey all...
I'm Lisa, year 12, LHCS (say hello to me if you go to my school!! hehe) anyways... I'm totally screwed for ancient, most of the time we gossip in class and talk too much in general... we do get work done but it's not really sticking... anyways, I've done minoans, sparta, and I think we've just started Rameses.. don't ask what periods and all that crap cos I have no idea!
Anyways good luck to you all, I'm happy to help if you need it, I also do textiles, standard english, general maths, and business studies if you need help with any of those, and email me if you like!!
Luv alwayz,