Hi, right now i'm having a giant dilemma between putting USYD's biomedical engineering/science and UNSW's bioinformatics/biomedical engineering as first preference. If anyone does any of these degrees (including the single ones), could I dm you to ask some questions?
in my opinion bio is definitely more content heavy than chem. You definitely still have a lot of time to catch up but if you do decide to drop chemistry, the degrees you want to do such as physio or pharmacology likely have chem as a prerequisite or assumed knowledge, which means you have to do...
a few schools actually cancelled their trials and some did trials that didn't count to your marks and a wild mix of things. I think most online trials were done around 2-4 weeks after their original date. For my school the original date was last wk of July to first wk of August.
Hey! So I finished my HSC in 2021 and I'm from Girra so these were the prescribed texts I had in year 11 for 2020:
Term 1 - Anil's Ghost by Michael Ondaatje
Term 2 - Macbeth + Macbeth Retold
Term 3 - Gwen Harwood Poems: The Violets, At Mornington, Prize Giving, In the Park, and The Glass Jar (I...
If I took a 5 years double degree with Bachelor of engineering (Biomedical)/Bachelor of science, would I be able to drop to just a Bachelor of Science? If so can I drop to a bachelor of science if I end up getting into medicine?
Also what's the difference between advanced science and science? Would the overall coursework be harder? Can I not do the honours year if I get into medicine and just graduate with a bachelor of science?
Thanks for all that, it was really helpful. Before you chose engineering what led you to choose it? I personally haven't done engineering studies or physics so I don't really know if I'll enjoy it or not.
Yeah I feel like for engineering I'd want to atleast incorporate bio/chem elements into it with biomed if I were to choose it as a backup. I definitely won't choose a degree for its job prospects etc over my interest and passion in them.
Thanks for the insight! I contacted usyd and apparently they can transfer my scholarship to another course if I meet the standard entry. However I'll definitely still try to choose my degree mainly based on other factors.
Wow what a coincidence! Yeah I feel like taking a 5 year degree will make me spend years that would become unnecessary to my life if I were to continue pursuing postgrad medicine but it also means I would have a solid backup that I would enjoy. I would take an extra year to ensure a good backup...
Thank you for the reply! That was really helpful and informative. In terms of jobs that you can get from the degree, is it true that its usually contract jobs like I've heard in articles and forums? Is a major in pathology or molecular biology good for job prospects?
So like many people out there I wanted to do medicine at basically any university possible and set medical science as my backup. Then I began hearing lots of bad things about medical science like how its extremely high supply from those who couldn't get into medicine and low demand leading to...
UNSW and USYD both currently only offer conditional early entry offers to those who are considered to be disadvantaged. So these early entry offers usually lower the selection rank or ATAR requirement for the course you applied for.
USYD's one is called E12 and the details can just be found on...
As part of my Society and Culture major project, I created a questionnaire to gather data for my research. It would be extremely helpful if you completed this and spread it to your friends and family :))
I think that's a really good cross cultural component! I think you should make a new one for the Japanese population if you have any specific questions that you want answers for. Otherwise you could use that time for other things. For the interviews, remember that your primary methodologies will...
i guess it really depends on how much you dislike ancient history. If I was in ur situation, if I really hated ancient history, I'd much rather catch up on business instead of continuing to do ancient history for 2 years. Since you're still in your prelims and your grades don't count to your HSC...
Not entirely sure about this so someone fact check me. When you divide by 0.1 to convert it to per litre, I think you're supposed to divide 0.1 by each ion, instead of them together since you're supposed to convert both ion concentrations to per L individually. So instead of ([Ag] *...