I'm inclined to do law postgraduate at USyd or UNSW. Yes I'm a shameless prestige-craver but what are you gonna do.
To those doing law or who have done law, do you have any suggestions to a course/major which may complement postgraduate law, or law in general?
It doesn't necessarily have to...
current ranks
legal studies 12/31
economics 5/45
ancient history 15/29
adv english 61/154
mathematics 71/94
my school is top 20.
what UAI am i looking at with these ranks?
its very cliched. as long as you do it in a non-crap repititive fashion it would be alright.
try to think of something not so typical. think outside the box
hmm yeah i was pretty sickened by myself saying that. but yeah, its just a placebo effect really. there is no actual reason that a first relationship can't last, only one's expectation that it 'must be true' and then their unnecessary worrying about it causes it not to last.
why must i be abused by having to hear about people like this
nah its not. i know plenty of people who stayed with their first partner.
my godparents actually started going out in year 6, and now are married with children.
but thats an extreme case.
the only thing that will make it not...
haha the time-worn conundrum, how to refer to a friend of an opposite gender without implying you are in an affectionate relationship with them.
i like the term 'chick-mate'
that's all well and good, but despite the peace religion may bring you, no intellectually functioning person of any religion can possibly say that religion does not bring violence.
this isn't due to the nature of different religions, moreso that people interpret things in a distorted way.