hey HSC 2008ers. so you've got a pretty good UAI and now you're stuck deciding to which university to go. and so you send me a PM. normally that's not a problem, except like it's post-HSC, so all of you decide to attack me at once. normally that's also not a problem, except it's like christmas time and summer time and i wanna play my wii and go to the beach. anyway, i digress.
a fellow member (let's call him Josh), asked me the following questions:-
in terms of teaching at UNSW, i'm pretty satisfied most of the time. i have reasonably good access to my teachers. they're all responsive to my concerns (but, in university, you have to be proactive and raises your concerns with them). most if not all of them are dedicated to the task. they give feedback. some of the core subjects are crap (like 'law and social theoryhttp://www.law.unsw.edu.au/course/LAWS8820/') but my electiveshttp://www.law.unsw.edu.au/Course/undergraduate.asp#electives have all been really interesting and fun. while the faculty touts the 'socratic methodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method', basically what this means in practice is that reading is expected to be done, there are class participation marks (of up to 20% of the final mark in some courses). class sizes are small as possible (but nowadays uni class sizes are usually 30-40). in summary, i think the teaching at UNSW is pretty good.

ok, any other questions? please keep it all to one thread.
a fellow member (let's call him Josh), asked me the following questions:-
unless your chosen career path involves being a High Court judge (of which we have none as alumni), i don't think so. if you're interested at where UNSWers end up, i suggest you check out our alumni webpage and this 'future students' webpage. in terms of 'big firm' employment, i think we're as good as USyd pound-for-pound.Do I miss out on any 'prestige' and the opportunities said prestige could afford after graduation by choosing UNSW over USyd?
who told you that piece of misinformation? have a look here at the list of Japanese exchange partnershttp://www.international.unsw.edu.au/exchange/exchangepartners.html#J we have. we also run a summer school over in Japan as well. both our faculties are part of ANJeLhttp://www.anjel.unsw.edu.au/ (Australian Network for Japanese Law), which operates a kyoto/tokyo summer school programhttp://www.anjel.unsw.edu.au/content/anjel_teaching_pro.html.But only USyd offer a Law exchange with a Japanese university's Faculty of Law!
we have NYU too. in the UK we have University College London (top 5 UK law faculty). in canada we have all the top-3 law schools (Toronto, Queens, British Columbia). i guess what i'm saying is that you won't run out of options for exchange, no matter if you go to USyd or UNSW.Of course, the exchanges with NYU and Harvard on offer at USyd are appealing too.
have you considered ANU as well? they have a dedicated asian studies facultyhttp://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/, and gut feeling says that should be heads and shoulders better than our piddly little school of languageshttp://languages.arts.unsw.edu.au/.I'm more concerned about receiving the best quality of teaching for my Law and Japanese degrees.
in terms of teaching at UNSW, i'm pretty satisfied most of the time. i have reasonably good access to my teachers. they're all responsive to my concerns (but, in university, you have to be proactive and raises your concerns with them). most if not all of them are dedicated to the task. they give feedback. some of the core subjects are crap (like 'law and social theoryhttp://www.law.unsw.edu.au/course/LAWS8820/') but my electiveshttp://www.law.unsw.edu.au/Course/undergraduate.asp#electives have all been really interesting and fun. while the faculty touts the 'socratic methodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method', basically what this means in practice is that reading is expected to be done, there are class participation marks (of up to 20% of the final mark in some courses). class sizes are small as possible (but nowadays uni class sizes are usually 30-40). in summary, i think the teaching at UNSW is pretty good.
actually i didn't start at UNSW. i didn't even make the cut-off back then (it was about 99.35 in my year). i transferred from UTS. ummm, i'm pretty happy with my choice. i think our law school is very collegial and the people are a great bunch. i could've had the opportunity to transfer to USyd, but i didn't because i liked the environment at UNSW better. and no, i don't regret my decision at all.Basically, I was wondering why you chose to go to UNSW Law as opposed to USyd Law. Were you happy with your choice? If not, would have you transfered to USyd Law earlier in your degree
hey if you can't decide, why don't you submit it a BoS poll?And what advice could you offer that might make my current dilemma a tad easier to solve?
ok, any other questions? please keep it all to one thread.
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