Hey guys,
I reallly desperately need the phone number to Fairfield ABC tutoring college which tutors primary to high schooler kids and is located near the station?
Do any of you guys know the phone number please??
so are you doing pharmacy too? And are you DEFINITE on the student concession for travel?!? Because that is reallly crappy. It'll take me $40 for train travel just alone in that without concession. And yeh, I'm losing 2 years over this. It's so shitty. I can't believe that they don't have...
Another quick question:
HA + H20-> H3O+ + A- involves pka and ka
A- + H2O -> HA + OH- involves just pkb and kb
So if you want to work out the "ka" for the last eqn listed....then you have to convert it from ka? Thanks.
ehhh, well to be honest, i got lost halfway through the explanations~ but been looking at things for a bit more and i just need people to confirm whether my logic is right or wrong....
well HA -> H+ + A- is basically the same as HA + H20-> H3O+ + A-. These two "equations" are the same thing...
How do you know when you're doing a chem eqn whether to write
a) HA -> H+ + A-
b) A- + H2O -> HA + OH-
because i read it had somewhere to do with acids or bases or the strength of the acid......and i just got *reallly* confused. :spzz:
Re: Acidic, basic and neutral salts - EasyChem answer
1 More question
A solution was made by dissolving 5.13g of X(OH)2 in 6L final volume if pH of the solution was 12, what is the atomic weight of X=? (O=16 H=1)
Hey guys,
I failed one subject in sem 2- so now next year in sem1 I can only do 2 subjects and sem 2 two subjects.
The year after I can do 2 and 3 subjects....so my workload has decreased. Does this mean my youth allowance will decrease? Any ways to stop this? Btw, if it helps i do pharmacy...
Re: Acidic, basic and neutral salts - EasyChem answer
Another question I want to ask is that:
a solution was made by dissolving 5.13g of X(OH)2 in 6L final volume if pH of the solution was 12; what is the atomic weight of X=? (O= 16 and H=1 )
Re: Acidic, basic and neutral salts - EasyChem answer
Completely Random acid and bases question:
1) If [H+] is 10^2 times of [OH-] what is the pH of the solution?
2) 1.68 KOH is dissolved in water to make 0.3 Litre of solution. Calculate the pH of the solution? (KOH= 56)===> FIGURED OUT THIS...
Do physics bridging course...unless you wanna fail....
But then yet again, if you do it but don't put any effort afterwards you might fail....
Anywayz, do it and work hard. That's the only thing I can think of... >_<