Yeah, whenever I log in...I get the same page coming where's the sections on payslips? And is it possible to stay at the kitchens because you're either comfortable and getting pretty good at it?
Oh my god...that makes me feel a lot more relaxed. I keep on having fears that new qns which I don't know will pop up and I'll fail...><
Do you need to book the RTA test or can you just show up? How much is the fee? $70?
Today, I just learnt that the screen is effed no real pt in reading it. Hey do all people learn how to make burgers? There are so many combinations of burgers...ugh...I couldn't remember anything! How long does it take to learn?
I'm gonna be doing my DKT Test very soon and I'm freaking scared that I won't pass.
I've been doing the practice ones from the online DKT as offered by the RTA..I heard that the practice ones are the ones in the actual DKT Test. Is that true?
So can anyone give me brief summary on what's happening these few days?
25 th- I know there's the barbeque on...I'll probably be going to that...
Anything on the 26th-27th?
28th will be enrolment for me! =D
I read somewhere on USYD website about "subject selection" and that kinda knocked me out for a I guess some students will be doing some subjects at a certain time and then they rotate....Oh, I see the light- for the time being!
Kujah, are you *sure* about what you're saying about the subjects? (In a morbid voice) This is a matter of life and death....
Hehehe. Lol. Jokes.
But are you definite? I'm trusting you on this.
Yep, I've seen them and downloaded them....but the mass of words and eyes are seeing swirls already...
Well first year there is
Human Biology
Chemistry A (Pharmacy)
Foundations of Pharmacy
Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences
Chemistry B (Pharmacy)
Molecular Biology and Genetics...
For enrolment day, I heard that we're also supposed to do our subject selection? What subjects are there and what should I pick? I seriously have no idea. Don't all the students do the same subjects? Ugh, the thought of enrolment is already killing me...><
I think "teen love" does occur and that the teenagers do feel love but its because of 'maturity levels' that relationships sometimes easily fall apart. However, some couples *do* stay together....but because of this....parents get touchy touchy over this issue XD.
Don't the UAI Cut offs stay the same? I'm not exactly sure so don't take my word for it.
I think it might be hard to get a late round offer but seriously, it depends on the amount of vacancies in a course, the popularity of the course and whether people have actually accepted their offers...