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  1. F

    newcomer- where should i start?

    Don't stress...Apply for any job you can no matter how low pay. Eventually you'll come across an employer who doesn't worry about the 'no experience' factor.
  2. F

    Access 2009 free gift bag?

    Re: the bold word above Hey you guys...aren't serious about the above....right? T T :rofl:
  3. F

    USYD Myuni/Unikey issues?

    Okay, I just red the first post and didn't bother reading the rest but the answer is that... when our account is first created, USYD needs time to process all of the logins. When we try logging in, it'll give us a default message and then show us some sample logins. =) Not too scary....^^
  4. F

    USYD Pharmacy '09 Roll Call!

    I know O week runs from 25th-27th February? So when's the special day for pharmacy students? Because I read that it was on the 24th somehow....that's impossible. Have I gotten the dates wrong? ><
  5. F


    Damn it, I've given my TFN already and they 'lost' it. So in my next payslip, they wrote that it was 'not recieved'....what a load of crap! So now I have to send in another one...>< Repeat this scenario several more times and there it is...still no TFN yet. When are they going to update my details?!
  6. F

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Hey, Congrats!
  7. F

    USYD Pharmacy '09 Roll Call!

    I know this sounds incredibly dense...but...we do *nothing* in the selection of subjects, right???
  8. F

    USYD Pharmacy '09 Roll Call!

    Oh and do we need to do physics for pharmacy?
  9. F

    USYD Pharmacy '09 Roll Call!

    How did they do the timetables and the units? It was all processed..or do we have to choose our units?
  10. F

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Hey, are we allowed to learn how to drive/ park in the parking lots of supermarkets late at night...or will we be fined superbly?
  11. F


    Thanks ^^
  12. F

    Help! Deferring a degree at UOW

    That is so weird and its probably normal for you to stress. Ask UAC or UOW for's the most obvious step to take...
  13. F


    If you do overtime, what happens? Higher rate of pay or nothing....
  14. F

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Hahaha...I got my pretty liscence. I showed up at RTA.... Me: I haven't done a booking, but can I still do it? Lady at the counter: I'm sorry but you're supposed to book and today's really busy.... Me: I flash her one of my most heart broken puppy eyed looks ever...and I say 'Oh really...'...
  15. F

    Awaiting late round offer - Help with main round offer enrolment.

    Hey, yet again... UAC- online enquiry form Macquarie uni- Current and prospective domestic student enquiries Phone :+61 2 9850 6410 email: Undergraduate Enquiries Phone :+61 2 9850 7314 email: I don't think you should really ask UWS these kinda...
  16. F

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Now, where would that be, hmm? Can you pass it on to me, pretty plz? :haha:
  17. F


    Wow, thanks....I guess you're working at Maccas? I know this sounds retarded...but it's hard there but I love it...^^
  18. F

    Awaiting late round offer - Help with main round offer enrolment.

    Okie, don't take my word for this. Go to the enrolment day, fill out forms, get a student id card....but if you've found out that you've made it into Macquarie....Cancel your enrolment at UWS and head straight to Macquarie for enrolment. It's like transferring high schools - just a bit more...
  19. F

    Driver Knowledge Test

    Ah, what a bummer... times are a bit tight for me... I want to do the test as soon as possible....
  20. F

    Awaiting late round offer - Help with main round offer enrolment.

    So you accepted the offer to UWS online? I guess that means you already *have* accepted the main round offer...but for some unis (eg Usyd) enrolment= definite acceptance of offer... As the times are a bit tight, enrol for UWS you don't miss out and wait for the late round offer, kay...