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  1. SeDaTeD

    Last Minute Questions - Bsci(adv)/Bcomm .. an insane idea?

    Financial maths and stats is a major intended for people who could only have one science major as part of the degree, and allows them to study a mix of stats and financial mathematics towards the one major, rather than having to choose between maths or stats. Basically, you just do your 3rd...
  2. SeDaTeD

    decision- need expert help

    You must keep in mind that you would to know and remember all your 3u stuff to be able to do well in 4u. You could forget simples things that you've learnt for 3u that you are expected to know when you do 4u questions. It would probably not take up much of your time at all, since you've...
  3. SeDaTeD

    B Pharm or B Sc(Adv)?

    Great interest in science? No-brainer. Do Adv Sci. And you can use your strong maths abilities to get good marks. Ask yourself if you see yourself working in pharmacy or whether you would prefer a broader range of options.
  4. SeDaTeD

    Offering tutoring for mathematics, ext1 (98) and ext2 (98). 99.65 uai

    Thanks for the bump but this thread is sort of irrelevent now, as I am working F/T over the holidays.
  5. SeDaTeD

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Math2965 94 Math2968 87 (the scaling was crazy, bloody hard exam) math2970 89 math3975 91 stat2912 86 Casebash, if you intend to have Algebra anyway, I'd not claim it and do it again. I presume you did it as something extra on top of your normal load so it wouldn't be too much of a...
  6. SeDaTeD

    Maths Subjects

    A recipe for making fudge.
  7. SeDaTeD

    Weigh me

    Are you allowed to put scales on scales?
  8. SeDaTeD

    Maths Subjects

    Well, I'm going to do both of those but I wouldn't know what would be better for theoretical physics. My guess is metric spaces. From Senior Maths handbook: To complement Physics and Chemistry, students may wish to consider: Semester 1. Metric Spaces (MATH3961), Analysis (MATH3068)...
  9. SeDaTeD

    What's e^(ipi)?

    Wouldn't we have had to define the complex logarithm function first? If I remember correctly, it was defined as the inverse of the complex exp function, and then extended over the complex plane, excluding negative reals and zero. And to do that we would have had to define the complex exp...
  10. SeDaTeD

    complex number questions

    You are assuming that |z-1/z+i| = 1 when you say z-1/z+i=cis(pi/4). Try z-1/z+i=rcis(pi/4).
  11. SeDaTeD

    What's e^(ipi)?

    Though true, you haven't really defined complex integration. Over what path are you integrating? I prefer exp, cos and sin defined by their power series.
  12. SeDaTeD

    need advice please

    Imagine how the 56 or 57 people below you must be thinking if you doubt whether you can do 4 unit :p. If you can beat them without tutoring then what's to stop you from beating them again, as long as you work hard enough.
  13. SeDaTeD

    Limits question

    Agreed, but it's there for those who want it.
  14. SeDaTeD

    Limits question

    Actually, come to think of it, the fact that a derivative exists implies the function is continous anyway (check, for those who know the formal definition of a limit). We would then only require the condition that the derivatives exist for f and g at x=a. I should add that.
  15. SeDaTeD

    Limits question

    Depends on your definition of cos(x) :p. Using the power series definition, cos(x) = 1 - x^2/2! + x^4/4! - x^6/6! + ... cos(x) - 1 = -x^2/2! + x^4/4! - x^6/6! + ... (cos(x)-1)/x = -x + x^3/4! - x^5/6! + ... Therefore, as x-> 0, (cos(x)-1)/x -> 0. However, I doubt they'd accept that in...
  16. SeDaTeD

    Leaving questions out

    Each question would be within their own booklet, so if you do the parts in a different order then it does not matter. I actually did this plenty of times. Other times I just leave a whole page for it and go on to the next question. Perhaps as a rule, leave out about twice as much space as you...
  17. SeDaTeD

    Imc 2006

    The standard of questions is absolutely no where near the level of the IMO. Also, there don't seem to be many big name US or British universities, and as LottoX mentioned, Chinese Universities. Probably speaks more about the actual competition rather than the actual universities.
  18. SeDaTeD

    Angular Velocity Question

    By doing so you are only getting a scalar quantity, acceleration is a vector quantity. You must convert d^2 x/dt^2 and d^2 y/dt^2 into components tangental to the motion and perpendicular the motion. The direction of acceleration is not always towards the centre of the circle, it's only ("only"...
  19. SeDaTeD

    advanced math at uni

    You would select the combined science and commerce uac code when applying, and once you get offered, you can choose to be placed in the adv or adv maths stream if you meet the qualifications for those respective streams.
  20. SeDaTeD

    Angular Velocity Question

    You would differentiate wrt to t twice keeping in mind that @ is a function of t, thus you would need the chain rule. There's different ways to get it though, you should end up with the component of acceleration perpendicular to the motion being r*omega^2 towards the centre of the circle and the...