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  1. ClockworkSoldier

    Veyron in the drink.

    Anyone seen this? YouTube - Bugatti Veyron Lake Crash-- Original Video- 1st hand account Epic fail. Sad too.
  2. ClockworkSoldier

    What am I missing?

    I am THE ONLY person that I know that has never set foot out of this country in my entire 19 years... THE ONLY ONE. I haven't even seen Ares Rock or any part of Australia other than between Melbourne and Brisbane. I just haven't traveled, and I'm not too fussed about changing that either. Just...
  3. ClockworkSoldier

    The sum of the geometric sequence

    I'm not a maths mind, but my friend needs this answered with workings. S17 = 64 ( 1/2^17 - 1) / 1/2 - 1 Thanks in advance!
  4. ClockworkSoldier

    Religious/Atheist flaunting.

    Why is there, on every forum I visit, at least three religious debate threads? Do Religious people like to brag? Same for non-religious people. Why do we have the undying need to flaunt our beliefs?
  5. ClockworkSoldier

    WRC Rally Australia 2009

    Anyone on BOS go? I scored a free ticket for saturday and got a residents pass cause I had to stay at a friends. Living in Murwillumbah isn't as bad as you'd think it is... The drivers are all glorified hoons... And that's what makes it fun to watch :D.
  6. ClockworkSoldier

    I need entertainment.

    Anyone got any suggestions for something to do for someone who: Doesn't drink. (I know I'm boring). Hates parties/clubs/pubs. (Shut up. I already know I'm boring). Has no money. Wants something to do that doesn't need a computer/console. Is in a country town that shuts down after 5. ??? I...
  7. ClockworkSoldier


    YouTube - Sony's Flexible OLED YouTube - Readius polymervision 3GSM e-paper working Cool, eh? Anyone been following?
  8. ClockworkSoldier

    LG KS360 = Death trap?

    I have owned this phone for around 2-3 months now, and it's spent more time in the shop than in my hand. It WAS a great phone, for about a week or two, then it started to turn off, and on (really odd thing for a phone to turn itself on for no reason) and would freeze and turn off instantly...
  9. ClockworkSoldier

    Decibel Theory........... Grr.

    Can anyone explain the maths associated with the Decibel Theory in laymen terms? I know stuff Like... 1mW = dBm 1v=dBv 0.775v = dBu 0.00002Pa = dBSPL Power = 10log. Watts/Pa = 20 log References: 1 Mw = dBm 1 v = dBv 1 u = 0.775 0.00002 Pa. Anti log: Divide front number...
  10. ClockworkSoldier

    ALERT!!!!Car Stolen!!!!

    EB Fairmont Turbo stolen from a house between the times of 11:00pm and 4:00am, january 3rd/4th in Bli Bli, Queensland. Pics: A clayton's towing truck was stolen 15min from the the owners house and was later gps tracked to his house. It was then was spotted on a securtiy camera...
  11. ClockworkSoldier

    Possible Harmful Scam?

    Came accross this while browsing E-Bay: All this sounds good, but what do ya'll think? The page looks a little shifty to me.
  12. ClockworkSoldier

    Ijji Gunz

    Who here plays Ijji: Gunz: The duel? I haven't been on in aaages, wondering if I should lol.
  13. ClockworkSoldier

    The Tech Support Chronicles

    Hey, this is a thread for those who have amusing stories about dealing with a tech support (or customer support) service, or those who need to vent their frustration at these services. We all know that these services can be extreamly painful to deal with. Right now I am contacting HP about a...
  14. ClockworkSoldier

    HP Omnibook 6100 Windows CD instalation problem.

    First of all, I know it's an old computer, It's a reliable little notebook that I can take places that I wouldn't take my new one. Problem is, the screen died on my old one, so I sourced a new laptop that was complete other than an HDD and a CD drive. I have 3 HDD's so thats not the...
  15. ClockworkSoldier

    Audio Hobbies

    Who here is into anything Audio? I'm studying to be an Audio Engineer, and am interested to see who is into this type of stuff. There are no Audio threads on the forum, and I'm just curious. :D
  16. ClockworkSoldier

    Musical Intruments

    Post the instrument you play. The brand of the instrument. The age of the instrument. The style you play. If you actually like it or not. Lol. Go.
  17. ClockworkSoldier

    2012! What will happen?

    It is rumoured by many cultures, and religions that December 21, 2012 will be "the end of the world as we know it". Christianity has claimed one of two things; Apocalypse or the second comming of Jesus. The Mayan calendar ends it's cycle on this date. The calendar could just end it's current...
  18. ClockworkSoldier

    The Byron Bay Schoolies Guide.

    I posted this in another thread, and thought it would be of more use here. I may add more soon. Hope it helps ya'll! Hey. I have practically lived in Byron every weekend for about 5 years now. This is a small guide to the town. Just a note: If your going to get anywhere, you'll need to know...
  19. ClockworkSoldier

    Happy with your Compositions?

    Who is actually happy with thier Compositions? I just finished my second one and it's going in on Monday, just doing the final touch-ups on the score. But everyone, bar one, at my school is doing one Comp (I'm the only one doing two) and quite a few don't seem to be happy with them. I love both...