Search results

  1. ClockworkSoldier

    iPhone OS 4

    For those of you who don't know, iPhone OS 4 was released officially Tuesday and leaked a while ago. If you didn't know, go and download it from iTunes NAO. It's so much better. What do you guys think of it? Basically I think it's made the phone a bit closer to what it should have been from...
  2. ClockworkSoldier

    Fines for swearing?

    Read more - So now they want to censor speech?! Fucking Fuck you you fucking fucks.
  3. ClockworkSoldier

    Highschool Dating.

    I'd just like to ask a question, and leave some information out there that may get me slandered but you know what? I don't care. My mood could not be worse. I did not date once through highschool. I did not have any relationship through schooling what-so-ever (including sexual). Yes, for those...
  4. ClockworkSoldier

    Change in personality.

    Okay. Basically, on Monday I awoke at 7am to find my Girlfriend of two and a half years mid-way through a violent seizure. I turned her on her side, let it pass and waited the further half hour for her to recover enough to make it to the car and took her to the hospital (I've taken first aid...
  5. ClockworkSoldier

    "Epic" BigBeat.

    Can anyone recommend some good "Epic" breakbeats/BigBeat songs? Like along the line of Rob Dougan's "Clubbed to Death", DJ Pablo's "Bboy's War" (part I and II) and some songs by The Propellerheads. Been searching for more, but I don't know any.
  6. ClockworkSoldier


    It came out in stores a couple of days ago. Who's fiddled with one/bought one? I like the idea, not the actual device. The iPhone O.S. was a poor choice. For instance, having to hit the home button instead of just "X-ing" out seems pretty tedious. Opinions.
  7. ClockworkSoldier

    Prince of Persia

    Has anyone seen it yet? I watched it with a bunch of my friends last night (all gamers) and we al though it was good. The reviews are hailing it as 'a step over and beyond for this movie genre'... I think it's the first game-to-movie film adaptation that has actually WORKED. For lack of a...
  8. ClockworkSoldier


    So who listens? I guess they could be described as apocalyptic industrial/metal? "My god is weird, my god is scared, my god paints a pretty picture... Of fear." - Taxicab Messiah. They rule. So?
  9. ClockworkSoldier

    Reasons for racism.

    (No idea if this type of thread already exists, but...) Please, state your reasons for racism, or simply disliking a race of people whatever they may be? I want valid answers, not blind hatred and race-bashing. No constant muslim etc. bashing... There's enough of that on the forums and...
  10. ClockworkSoldier

    500 - Internal Server Error

    Kind of self explanatory. It pops up a hell of a lot, stopping access to the site and when it doesn't, everything takes FOREVER to load. Like, if internet ran on 1kbps, that's about how slow the loading time is (ie. average page is 25kb so therefore it takes 25 seconds to load the page...)...
  11. ClockworkSoldier

    Network Communications.

    G'day. I have a job interview for Network Telecommunications tomorrow morning, and desperately need the job. Just wondering if anyone knows what would be involved in such an interview? I've done Optus group and individual interviews but am not sure what it'll be like for NC since it's a...
  12. ClockworkSoldier

    The hell is happening?

    Why are posts appearing all over the place in all threads? I keep seeing posts being placed above the O.P, being repeated and generally randomised... It's bloody confusing!
  13. ClockworkSoldier

    Centrelink Bashing.

    Tell me why you hate those on Centrelink? I can understand the hate for those who literally bludge off the system, I hate them too but there are those of us, like me, who just cannot get employed. Be it because of the area you live in or other factors, some people just can't land a job. My...
  14. ClockworkSoldier

    Windows Live - SkyDrive

    Windows Live - Sky Drive. It gives you 25gb of free online storage. For those who don't know, it's like a 25gb hard drive just for you, stored on the internet for free access by any computer that is connected to the net. You don't even have to...
  15. ClockworkSoldier

    Slipping Gearbox.

    I know that this is not the best place to post this, but I've posted it on a car club forum and am having someone look at it soon. Just want your ideas. I have an '88 EA Falcon S-pack with the Borg-Warner Hydraulic Three-speed Automatic Gearbox installed. As of late, the gearbox has been...
  16. ClockworkSoldier

    Optus Interview

    Hey people. As the title suggests, I got a job interview with Optus, for a position in-shop. I have a basic understanding of how to conduct myself in the interview, just wondering if anyone could give me some tips? I've never done an interview for a position like this, and am hoping...
  17. ClockworkSoldier

    Funniest game moments.

    Dunno if this has been done before... But what was your funniest in-campaign moments? They can be stupid A.I., in-game movies... Whatever. If you can, post a video to go with it. One of my favourites: tOKt1z1TkvU Oh my god JC, it's a bomb! A BOMB!? -in the most unworried "I'm too cool for...
  18. ClockworkSoldier

    ATTN: MacBook/iPhone/iPod users.

    Attention MacBook/iPhone users: I lost the use of my internal speakers in my MacBook Pro last night. A weird red light (that was the optical sensor) was emanating from the Optical Out jack, no options for the internal speakers in system preferences. This problem (following research) is present...
  19. ClockworkSoldier


    Who here practises the art of "magic", is an illusionist or a mentalist? I'm learning slowly. I know two mentalism tricks (I can read yo' mind), a few card tricks and a couple of levitation tricks plus some classic coin illusions. I know, I seem like a bit of a freak starting this thread and...
  20. ClockworkSoldier


    Just wondering what people's opinions on death are? (Both for themselves and for others). I've recently come to the conclusion that if I die, it doesn't matter, so therefore I don't care when it happens. If I died tomorrow nothing would change for anyone, sure they may be sad for a little...