Search results

  1. muzeikchun852

    Effort of doing two languages.

    i got an idea of doing two languages in my hsc, but there is a few dilemma in my case: if im doing two language (japanese continuers and chinese beginners) in OHS, will it be hard to keep it up since there is no teacher to guide me through the course? if im able to add japanese extension to my...
  2. muzeikchun852

    Most WANTED and Most HATED subject!

    Name the most looked forward subjects u will be having in year 11 and the subjects that u can say die to. :burn::burn: most wanted subject: chem phy. most hated subject: pe. history. hate them all!
  3. muzeikchun852

    were there a thread for downloading physics textbook?

  4. muzeikchun852

    textbook and/or study guide?

    i have just open this new thread see whether it is necessary to buy a textbook combine with a study guide. i have check out the price for those textbook i want (like conquering chemistry, jacaranda physics, etc) and all of them is like 50-70 bucks, comparing to a excel one for 30. so do they...
  5. muzeikchun852

    can i study 6 UNITS of maths in one year of hsc?

    ive just wonder..i saw some people have maths, maths extension 1 and maths extension 2 on their sign, is that mean u can do 6 UNITS of maths in one year?<!-- google_ad_section_end --></SPAN>
  6. muzeikchun852

    can i study 6 units of maths in one year of hsc?

    ive just wonder..i saw some people have maths, maths extension 1 and maths extension 2 on their sign, is that mean u can do 6 UNITS of maths in one year?
  7. muzeikchun852

    which study guide is better: macquarie or excel?

    which study guide is better: macquarie or excel?
  8. muzeikchun852

    How to improve my shitty english?

    hi. i need big help with my english. i just got back my english trial, and the result was really bad [well i passed], but the school centificate is coming up and i have chosen to do english advanced. i have just create this thread and see whether anyone can help me with poor and shitty english...
  9. muzeikchun852

    problem with 11/12/13 units in subject selection.

    this thread is for one of my friend that i know hes having trouble on subject selection. Hes doing maths extension1, japanese continuers, economics, chemistry, modern history and english advanced now. so he wanna pick up maths extension 2 and japanese extension..hes going to drop modern...
  10. muzeikchun852


    can anyone give me any note, i mean any note for history or geography, especially history. Because of our teacher didnt give me any note, shes just kept talking and talking the whole time.. and im starting to study history, and I GOT NOTHING TO STUDY FOR! thanks for advanced.</SPAN>
  11. muzeikchun852

    advice needed for SC trial ENGLISH..

    can anyone tell wats in the sc trial..?! is the long response going to be short story again? any thing to be aware on the multiple choices and short answer.. personally i think my english is not great.. do i need to know about the language techniques? thanks in advance..
  12. muzeikchun852

    which text has the greatest impact on u this year?

    which text has the greatest impact on u and why?!
  13. muzeikchun852

    BIG PROBLEM with open high school!

    is big problemm.. i went on to the open high school website.. and in year 11 must not exceed 13.. if initially 14 units unil accepted into the OHS subject, indicate the course to be instantly dropped on acceptance.. here are my choices: english advanced maths extension physics economic...
  14. muzeikchun852

    need help on GEORAPHICAL ISSUE.

    PLEASE i need some help on GEORAPHICAL ISSUE - Pyrmont-Ultimo in the assignment that i have,, im doing urban decline and renewal of Pyrmont-Ultimo.. were there two renewal,,which occurs in 1980s and 1990s..? im quite confuse between the two.. can anyone explain to me about the differences...
  15. muzeikchun852

    Big problem of choosing jap next year! Help!

    today i find out if there isnt enough ppl doing japanese,, the students who wants to do japanese need to do it through open high school.. but wat is open high school? wat do u do there? i know nothing about it.. can anyone tell me wat is open high school?
  16. muzeikchun852

    choosing year 11's subjects!

    i want to do: english advanced 2u maths ex1/2 3u physics 2u economics 2u legal studies 2u japanese continuers 2u.. but i got some question about these subject.. in year 12, do maths ex2's work get really heavy? wat kind of stuff is involve in physics and economics? i have through...
  17. muzeikchun852


    wats the main difference between three science and three humanlities subject?!
  18. muzeikchun852


    the year 11 subject choices starting soon.. here are my list: english 3u maths 4u japanese continuers 2u [may add extension] physics 2u economics 2u physics 2u = 15 units.. OVER THE MAX. OF 14 UNITS.. can anyone give some suggestion on legal/economics/physics?! i still want to...