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  1. muzeikchun852

    2011 cssa trial draft timetable is out !
  2. muzeikchun852

    Question on writing note for Sciences.

    in the sciences' syllabii (unsure about the spelling), they have the column of student learn to and the second column "student...". i want to know whether u have to include the second column in my note, because my teacher didnt teach us anything on the second column except the prac. thx in...
  3. muzeikchun852

    is language extension really hard ?

    is language extension really hard? although im not great in japanese continuers (80%+), i find japanese extension quite all right. but does it get harder gradually? my teacher kept pressuring me by saying that i cant do japanese extension and advise me to drop extension immediately if i feel...
  4. muzeikchun852

    Dropping subject: Chemistry or Physics ?

    so which subject should i drop, since i enjoy both subjects equally. and why. thx in advanced.
  5. muzeikchun852

    Make ur own note / Study guide ?

    which one do u prefer, make ur own note or buy a study guide like excel for studying ?
  6. muzeikchun852

    Alpha Omega at Burwood ?

    is it good ? A friend told me that they are good at tutoring 3U and 4U, as well as physics and chemistry. any comment on that ?
  7. muzeikchun852

    ESL / Advanced ?

    since our school allows us to change our subject for the last time in year 11, im thinking of changing to ESL, since advanced is quite hard (in terms of getting the marks, not the content nor the texts). so here are the pros and cons for both subjects: advanced:- pros: great class...
  8. muzeikchun852

    physics kiss booklet.

    does anyone know where can i get the phyiscs kiss booklet ? thx in advanced.
  9. muzeikchun852

    Any notes on Module A - Materalism ?

    do anyone have any notes on how to compare the texts in this module ? im doing comparative study on the american dream, but our teacher didnt even explain how to.. thx in advanced.
  10. muzeikchun852

    Difficulties in English Advanced.

    general poll. comment on why u think so.
  11. muzeikchun852

    When will u get a N-award if u dont complete the wkly-work for Open High School ?

    When will u get a N-award if u dont complete the wkly-work for Open High School ?
  12. muzeikchun852

    Changing from Advanced to ESL?

    i have been here in australia for 5 years from the start of prelim, so im eligible for ESL. however, as u can see in my sign, that im doing advanced for now. should i be changing to ESL? because a couple of my friend is doing ESL and they said ESL is very very easy but quite a bludge lesson...
  13. muzeikchun852

    Chem/Physics Past Paper Book.

    im putting this for a friend whos doing HSC this year. which brand of past paper book is better to use in term of their answers and layout for chem and physics ? and why ?
  14. muzeikchun852

    do ESL instead of Advanced?

    after the half-yrly, loads of ppl is going to drop down to standard or ESL. although I'm not one of them and I don't struggle with advanced, I would like to ask it is a wise move to change to ESL since I only started australian school in year 6? EDIT: just received my exam back. 72% and...
  15. muzeikchun852

    Languages Extension.

    What kind of work do u do in languages extension (especially Japanese)? Is it a really hard course? Is it worth one unit of work or there is more than that? thx for any comment in advanced.
  16. muzeikchun852

    Ideal Units in HSC.

    general vote on the ideal units in HSC and why.
  17. muzeikchun852

    Good inner journey quotes?

    can anyone give me any good inner journey quotes to round off my essay? thx. :):)
  18. muzeikchun852

    Good inner journey quotes?

    can anyone give me any good inner journey quotes to round off my essay? thx. :):)