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  1. Official

    General Thoughts: Science

    The answer is 6V
  2. Official

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    Pretty good I reckon, but the thing with english is that you don't know what mark to expect until you get it back!
  3. Official

    School Certificate On Monday!

    Yeah, Fort Street Trials were epic this year =p
  4. Official

    School Certificate On Monday!

    Apparently new exam commitee, I hope they don't throw us poor souls into the deep end.
  5. Official

    SC Mark Predictions

    Ok 11'ers! Here's how this game works. Predict what mark you'll get for the SC and when the time comes, edit your post to see how close you were to your actual mark! I'll go first. Maths - 99 Science - 93 History - 95 Geography - 92 English - 90 Computer Skills - Idc
  6. Official

    What are you looking forward to most after the SC?

    3U you mean? Niven said yes.
  7. Official

    School Certificate On Monday!

    Pumped for this shit
  8. Official

    Multiple choice marking???

    Relating to the Original Post, how does computers tell if you crossed the wrong answer out and put the correct answer in?
  9. Official

    A prediction...

  10. Official

    Help for rushing,carelessness and doing stupid mistakes. ( Mainly for maths)

    You answered the question yourself, don't rush?
  11. Official

    School cert in pencil

    You will get marked if you write in pencil but it's not recommended.
  12. Official

    What really goes on inside

    tbh, a combination of both. People who are born gifted and proceeds to study hard for the HSC are the ones that will score 99+ for the HSC.
  13. Official


    For 1., you have to understand the form. for |z - z1| = |z - z2|, z describes the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the two points z = z1 and z = z2. So on your Argand Diagram, plot A(3i) and B(-2) and find the midpoint of the line AB. Draw a dotted line that cuts through this...
  14. Official

    bored of studying for sc

    When I get my SC results, Imma not even look at it. I'd then take the letter and go to the toilet where I would attempt to drown it in the sink. Next, I'll get it out of the sink, use it as toilet paper and then flush it down the toilet. End
  15. Official

    School certificate all band 6's?

    Do the multiple choice online. Print out only the short answer + extended responses (saves so much paper it's not funny and you can do multiple choice online) of past papers AFTER 2006 (syllabus change). Study 2 hrs each night on SC, I usually do this listening to my favourite radio show. I'm...
  16. Official

    Is it just me or is everyone is freaking out for SC

    Feeling relaxed, taking it easy.
  17. Official

    Chemistry 07 Independent Paper

    Sorry if this is a hassle, but can everyone reupload their papers, it says that they're too old and the file have been deleted =/, Thanks!
  18. Official

    Pre Uni College homebush

    This place is a hole Source: From experience