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  1. clintmyster

    Catholic School Trial HSC Exams 09

    Yeah it should be by now. People are almost on stuvac haha
  2. clintmyster

    Kenneth Slessor Module B Adv Eng 2009

    Thats like word for word the last few years past hsc questions haha. Honestly, just try and answer all the questions for poetry since 01 and that'd be plenty!
  3. clintmyster

    When doing past papers

    Just don't hit them too early and learn everything from past papers. For me, I actually add to my notes from the past papers. As said, it bridges gaps in knowledges and shows whether you can actually articulate and apply your knowledge properly.
  4. clintmyster

    Science papers are to short

    exactly! In terms of the HSC booklets, you should be writing about 3-4 pages for 6-7 markers. 5 markers like 2 pages. You should be trying to write almost everything somewhat relevant to the question because there are marks awarded for specific things.
  5. clintmyster

    Last Resort. =/ (Subject Selections)

    I'd say if your blitzing commerce and you think you like it then yeah why not business. But like, can you do business in another line? Im sure you can do 13 units in yr 11 unless your school doesn't let you. The other thing is that tutoring is not necessary. I only get tutoring for reassurance...
  6. clintmyster

    Maximum Area

    so you spent 7 days trying to make your point LOL
  7. clintmyster

    Molar Heat of Combustion

    Yeah about how and why experimental values differ from theoretic values: - we assume complete combustion but you can see soot forming at the base of the beaker - our heating methods were not 100% efficient because some heat could have been lost to the air. Other things molar heat of combustion...
  8. clintmyster

    Do you know what makes you tick? Can you use it to your advantage?

    about 50 days to go, id say 2 papers a day is sufficient. If you get home from school say at 4, you can mix a 2hr subject and a 3hr subject. Like for me I wake up at like 5 so i'd do a 2hr paper then and a 3hr paper maybe 5-8pm. The idea for english is just that can try and tweak your practice...
  9. clintmyster

    Poor choice of subjects?

    well you need to ensure you get about 3 band 6's in those subjects and the rest well 85+. If you get a band 6 in english thats a bonus. My point exactly!
  10. clintmyster

    Do you know what makes you tick? Can you use it to your advantage?

    One secret is doing your maths hw and actually not letting it go till you get everything right. If you get something wrong, its imperative you discuss it with your mates or your teacher. If the teacher's dont check your hw well do the questions that you feel are different. Namu posted a great...
  11. clintmyster

    Why are exams needlessly difficult?

    Also, if you look at other people's exams across the world, its always a similar format. I mean, they are all going to have trick questions and the challenging ones. Their differentiating factors which are really necessary.
  12. clintmyster

    Binomial Probability

    We learn all this maths and people still can't see easy ways to do things!
  13. clintmyster

    STAT - Extra ATAR POints

    how could that make any logical sense? Stat has nothing to do with the ATAR and plus that would be slack to other people "paying to get higher ATAR's"
  14. clintmyster

    Possible to do 4unit maths (ex1 +ex2) without tutoring and still getting a great mark

    Re: Possible to do 4unit maths (ex1 +ex2) without tutoring and still getting a great which I can't be! :p nah its not necessary but tutoring forces you to learn things. Like I like to take things slow when im doing things myselves. Like today im going to finishing the last section of my...
  15. clintmyster

    Binomial Probability

    its not binomial probability is just logical sense.
  16. clintmyster

    What perfume are you wearing at the moment?

    Lacoste Style in play, i think its discontinued.
  17. clintmyster

    3 Unit Raw Marks

    all eyes on you aye bud =P
  18. clintmyster

    Should Maths be Compulsory?

    even if maths was compulsory, it wouldn't change much because the majority of the state does at least general maths anyways. Cbb finding statistic haha.
  19. clintmyster

    Give me an estimate

    SChool rank : ~110 Ranks: MX1: 1/~50 - 95 MX2: 1/9 - 90 Physics: 4/~50 - 89 Biology: 5/~140 - 91 English(adv): 62/140 - 80 Thats 96.9 which should be about right id say.
  20. clintmyster

    Schools physics trials 2009

    fairly doable. One tough question that has caused much controversy. Big markers: assess einstein /5 transformers + AC /6 med phys: discuss imaging techniques that use radiation /7 but i can believe i forgot endoscopes! A couple should get in the 90's, il be happy with 80's