Buts that still a pretty good mark if you got 105+ which would have aligned to 96.
Still only manage to get 80-100/120. Do you guys just do HSC or do you do other trial papers?
Not true, they have specified in the past and all the people do the same poems/speeches. There should be seven of them. If they specify a speech, well they will specify a poem. You will NOT get the poem either. A lot of us (myself included) cbb remembering all the poems so we're just going into...
im not entirely sure but id think it'd make sense to drawn y = f(x) for y^2 = f(x) and y = 1/f(x) graphs. For the other ones tbh i doubt it really matters.
Imageshack - img0002ox
Imageshack - img0001mu
For the first link, can someone please do the question for me because im like clueless. Also, anything that looks like a k is actually a h. so its like 6h or 7&h.
With the second link, for cii) is my teachers working out actually right because hes...
I thought this was 4u it looked pretty straightforward but for 3u your given the u-sub right so you don't need to worry so much for the second one right?
Just talk about the Venice Charter and the Tamaki Makau-Rau Accord as well the issue with Vesuvius being a natural disaster and we are simply uncovering a dead as opposed to disturbing their remains that received proper burial rites. Here, I mean that we're discounting whether or not we are...
thinking of taking it up aye namu? :p
Let me think..
- be understanding an empathetic. Saying everything is easy doesn't really help students
- Be willing to explain things in different ways and being patient
- Some flexibility with changing times of tuition
- Spending some time outside the...
FR/BR: "while texts are products of their times, the composers of each text are both concerned that the quest for understanding and knowledge has left our values vulnerable"
CP: "acts of representation are carefully constructed to the audiences beliefs, desires and fears"
When i find my exam...
Why do you want questions on belonging relating to Skrzynecki's poems? Shouldn't you want just general belonging questions that people have got in their trials?
Mine was "Individuals have to first construct themselves independently, before they can be a part of other things". Discuss this...
tbh i'm a bit meh atm about graduation. I want stuvac to hurry up because schools pretty unproductive atm though mucking around with mates is pretty awesome. Il miss school somewhat but if i get my desired uni course and see most of my mates every now and then I don't think i'l look back.