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  1. Chahoud

    hey man, yeah I did pretty good finished both creative writing and essay but didn't finish the...

    hey man, yeah I did pretty good finished both creative writing and essay but didn't finish the last question in section one the 5 mark !!wbu ? Ohhhhhhhh soooooo your soo lucky haha get to chill bang while your rents aren't home, haha I don't mind science but I sure do love ancient history haha...
  2. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    yeah fml time management is my worst, I'm shitting my self for hamlet too argh haha How did everyone go today? Man I finished my essay and creative writing but didn't get to finish the last question in section one
  3. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Awww air high five hahaha, guessing your doing an all nighter tonight, dw you'd probs ace it any way :3
  4. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Hahaha yeah trueee oh well I had 5.5 hrs sleep :/ damn yeah I'm pretty scared of paper 2, aww all the best :3
  5. Chahoud

    Haha I am right !!!! Admitted it !! hahahahahha that's like me I can't wait till I finish :)...

    Haha I am right !!!! Admitted it !! hahahahahha that's like me I can't wait till I finish :) wow, that's heaps cool, your into more sciencey stuff I guess haha Ummm I want to be a high school teacher in eithe bio- pe- ancient- geo haha Okayyyy goood night and good luck haha that's if there's...
  6. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Thanks man :), haha yeah i should be, i was attempting an all nighter but guess i failed haha my bedtime is usually 10 :3
  7. Chahoud

    im right haha *takes a bow sup bro haha yeah just half a billion:L homg hahaha sounds like an...

    im right haha *takes a bow sup bro haha yeah just half a billion:L homg hahaha sounds like an amazing plan air hi 5 haha soo what do you plan on studying after hsc
  8. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    hahahahaa gosh you guys make me laugh so hard !!!!! what an amazing piece of creative writing well done :p hahaha loling hard, umm then just be like some chick whos arab hahaha i dunno
  9. Chahoud

    i am so right, haha, hey tonyy, im jess :D, hahaha fair enough, :o there all gone:p illjust put...

    i am so right, haha, hey tonyy, im jess :D, hahaha fair enough, :o there all gone:p illjust put paper in the bag soo your bro can think its full :D
  10. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    haha okay thanks man:) some arab hahaha
  11. Chahoud

    hahahahahaha LOLOL you thought i said eff arabs yeah? hahahahaha sup gypo haha thats pretty mad...

    hahahahahaha LOLOL you thought i said eff arabs yeah? hahahahaha sup gypo haha thats pretty mad name hahaha fair enough,mmmmmm oh sooo yum haha,
  12. Chahoud

    No worries man, anytime :)

    No worries man, anytime :)
  13. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    ohh veryy :), nahh i think im in pieces hahaha, ohhhhhhh how i wish !!!!!!!!! haha bahahahahahahahaha when you seee him tommorrow please hi 5 him from me even tho he wouldnt know who i am haha, No worries bro :)
  14. Chahoud

    hahaha LMFAO wigger nice nice, i just guess haha, ohhh well id send some over, im farab ( half...

    hahaha LMFAO wigger nice nice, i just guess haha, ohhh well id send some over, im farab ( half fob half arab) haha well thats what my fob friends call me but im a arab :3
  15. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    LOLINGGGGGGG SOOOOOOOO HARD think thats my work out for the year :3 oh fml his annoying and i hate his poems
  16. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    its a done deal :3 mmmmm hahaha, you should check your profile hahah, i guess she wasnt hahahahaha BAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOLED :D oii man i sent you some shit :3
  17. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    hahaha im always prepared :D, mmmmmm i love salt and vinger mmm haha, sweet chilli :3 neithe can i mmmmm hahaha nice email, i deleted my face book sorryy haaha, nawww i cant :'(
  18. Chahoud

    sup nigger, still eating my chips haha

    sup nigger, still eating my chips haha
  19. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    im doing hamlet and i have this note thing that i dont remember where i got it not sure if it was here or somewhere else if you want?