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  1. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    How did every one go ? :/
  2. Chahoud

    It was hard, tho I mange to do everything, you? Shut up hahaha, fair enough I bought rage and I...

    It was hard, tho I mange to do everything, you? Shut up hahaha, fair enough I bought rage and I really want to play it (well actually I bought FIFA 12 and rage for my bros birthday but still hahaha) Awww yay then I can be as awesome like you hahaha I'm not a guy I swear to god I'm not haha...
  3. Chahoud

    soooo am I fml. Hahaha I didn't finish either :(, but yes thank god it's over and can't wait...

    soooo am I fml. Hahaha I didn't finish either :(, but yes thank god it's over and can't wait till they say pens down at 11.30 last English paper ever !!!!!! I'm shitting my self for hamlet :p All the best and good luck :3
  4. Chahoud

    Good morning thanks man haha and good luck too :3 hahahahahahahahahahaha wow I'm a bit slow...

    Good morning thanks man haha and good luck too :3 hahahahahahahahahahaha wow I'm a bit slow ..... Hahaha, don't all boys love there FIFA hahah but yesh soccer is damn awesome and same with me I pretty much like any sport :3 hahahahaha yes it's a dare and don't worry I'll remind you hahaha we...
  5. Chahoud

    Good morning thanks man haha and good luck too :3 hahahahahahahahahahaha wow I'm a bit slow...

    Good morning thanks man haha and good luck too :3 hahahahahahahahahahaha wow I'm a bit slow ..... Hahaha, don't all boys love there FIFA hahah but yesh soccer is damn awesome and same with me I pretty much like any sport :3 hahahahaha yes it's a dare and don't worry I'll remind you hahaha we...
  6. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Haha it's shut ay, oh man how I wish can't wait till 11.30 tommorrow last effing English exam ever !!!!!!!! Ohhh haha I'm doing justice game and my rt is bill henson and the other rt is micheal jackson hahaha
  7. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    I'm doing hamlet -.- hahah I don't think you have to reference the lines , just a quote will do or you could say something like in act one scene ...
  8. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Hahaha umm I don't sorry :3
  9. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Serious ?!?! Argh and what are you doing for mod c
  10. Chahoud

    Hahaha shhhhh, oh my bad I swore like a billion times and I'm racist hahahahah lolololol why the...

    Hahaha shhhhh, oh my bad I swore like a billion times and I'm racist hahahahah lolololol why the Asians down the street? Haha no deal not till after hsc :3 Oh fair enough:p :o we finish on the same day how cool :D haha okay noob, oh gosh try yards haha but I love soccer haha there also noobs...
  11. Chahoud

    See I'm not short:p hahaha actually I am pretty racist and all my mates know that I am too but...

    See I'm not short:p hahaha actually I am pretty racist and all my mates know that I am too but like I joke around but I don't mean it. Why asians well because they have skills and can wooop your ass, in that cas I'll tell them after hsc just so you can sit your exams :p I won't let you down...
  12. Chahoud

    Either 160-165 hahahahaha, oh I'll tell them and they will torture you esspically the asians...

    Either 160-165 hahahahaha, oh I'll tell them and they will torture you esspically the asians haha. Thanks man :3, of course I am I love my fobs ;)always got my back :3, hahaha I will defs hammer them :) Naww well as long as you enjoy it I guess :3 Obviously your right for once haha, well tale...
  13. Chahoud

    I hope so haha, yes sir :p I'll try but sounds goood, pssshhht I'm not short :'(...

    I hope so haha, yes sir :p I'll try but sounds goood, pssshhht I'm not short :'(, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lmfao sexiest much !! Haha yeah I love that face tooo and pretty much I like to be different :3 Yeah I gues he could haha but half the time his at uni , gosh I hate chem and physics, soo everyone...
  14. Chahoud

    ohhh I forgot to say I have some sour coke bottles want some ? :D hahaha

    ohhh I forgot to say I have some sour coke bottles want some ? :D hahaha
  15. Chahoud

    Thanks hahah I tried, all I want is a band 4 hahaha, damn that's heaps good and fair enough but...

    Thanks hahah I tried, all I want is a band 4 hahaha, damn that's heaps good and fair enough but still heaps good, HAHAHAHAH truee, but I'm going to be hopefully it's something I've always wanted to do :3 haha all my guy mates are like your toooo short to even bee a teacher -:- ( < curry annoyed...
  16. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    atleast you can attempt to get your self back on track hahaha I'm soooooooooooo screwed for mod a and mod b I'll ace mod c tho hopefully hahahaha
  17. Chahoud

    Section 3 - Extended Response

    Wtf hahaha the advance kids at your school are effing lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn..
  18. Chahoud

    Memorising three essays in one night!

    Hahahaha meeeeeeee I'm doing that :DDD
  19. Chahoud

    Sup mannnnnn, how'd you go ?

    Sup mannnnnn, how'd you go ?
  20. Chahoud

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Hahaha I hope so too, if not I screwed :/