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  1. forbidden01

    what's only BoS friends ?? :S *confused* what's maybe this week too ? LOL.... i did :D...

    what's only BoS friends ?? :S *confused* what's maybe this week too ? LOL.... i did :D lol...antioch is gooooood :)
  2. forbidden01

    haha.... nicee ;) aww hey i gotta go...i'll be back on at like 10 ish ? maybe ? if you're...

    haha.... nicee ;) aww hey i gotta go...i'll be back on at like 10 ish ? maybe ? if you're lucky ? :p byeeeeee
  3. forbidden01

    LOL...i'm sure can do...i have gmail tho ?

    LOL...i'm sure can do...i have gmail tho ?
  4. forbidden01

    bahahhahaha...its k....i'm kidding...dw :P dont ever take me seriously unless i say "seriously"...

    bahahhahaha...its k....i'm kidding...dw :P dont ever take me seriously unless i say "seriously" or "honestly"... BAHA...that's cool :P haha pink floyd ? Alan Parsons ? my parents listen to it, but i like it...sometimes :p gotta be in the mood other wise *puts in ipod headphones* :p
  5. forbidden01

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    nahh i'll pass....
  6. forbidden01

    hahha...kk....again with the name calling :O :'( *clears throat* Placebo Brand New Arctic...

    hahha...kk....again with the name calling :O :'( *clears throat* Placebo Brand New Arctic Monkeys Soko Rilo Kiley Metric Lisa Mitchell Spoon Above the Golden State Tenth Avenue North Ben Folds The Bird and the Bee Birds of Tokyo Blink 182 Bowling for soup :D Butterfly Effect Cold War Kids Cute...
  7. forbidden01

    lol....i know i know :P "I am wrong" :p i have ever single song they have ever recorded :D...

    lol....i know i know :P "I am wrong" :p i have ever single song they have ever recorded :D hahaha oh and its actually i believe you but my tommy gun dont :p
  8. forbidden01

    awww..that makes it more fun! xD are mistaken :O

    awww..that makes it more fun! xD are mistaken :O
  9. forbidden01

    BAHAHA! ;D oh nicee ;) any hotties ? :O almost everyone i ask hasnt! :O please tell me you're...

    BAHAHA! ;D oh nicee ;) any hotties ? :O almost everyone i ask hasnt! :O please tell me you're not bluffing! xD
  10. forbidden01 :D really ? :D really ?
  11. forbidden01

    i'mma delete your comment tho....i dont want an actual stalker :|

    i'mma delete your comment tho....i dont want an actual stalker :|
  12. forbidden01

    OMG! you really are a stalker! ....SHEESSSHHH!

    OMG! you really are a stalker! ....SHEESSSHHH!
  13. forbidden01

    thanks....but i can handle it :)'d you know ey ? its like half asian half...

    thanks....but i can handle it :)'d you know ey ? its like half asian half lebo...kinda weird...
  14. forbidden01

    meh...this is me not ever caring what they say...i prove my point...and i dont give a shit what...

    meh...this is me not ever caring what they say...i prove my point...and i dont give a shit what the asshole douche bags say...
  15. forbidden01

    BAHAHAHA!....if i were an SLB...there would be no expectations of that makes no...

    BAHAHAHA!....if i were an SLB...there would be no expectations of that makes no sense... and apparently i am really really weak....but meh...i still know where to kick ;D you gotta know if you live in my area :| high class ? *cough cough* i'm much more of an SLB
  16. forbidden01

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    ....most dont.....i do...i'm not emo...
  17. forbidden01

    huh ?? LOL....when did i ever say that ? he's 16...i'm 17.... ? LOL... you never told me those...

    huh ?? LOL....when did i ever say that ? he's 16...i'm 17.... ? LOL... you never told me those expectations...still waiting :p
  18. forbidden01

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    so what if i am ? do i look like i give a shit ? BAHA
  19. forbidden01

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    nahh that's just the stereotype
  20. forbidden01

    Whats 'hot' for you? ? LOL