how ? O.o
how can i be unconvincing OVER THE NET!?! was never a lie to start off with...i can like...ring and ask him if you want LOL....
wow...sounds like you've got a really serious situation here...
slugboy i already commented you but i'll add to it a bit on here...
she needs someone who understands her and that she can trust...i've been in this situation...on boths sides (but i never cut...ever) trust is a massive issue... dad hates when i add people i dont know i dont :S he always threatens to ban me from fb ... so i tend to do everything i can to avoid BoS buddies not good enough for you ey ? ;D hahhaa jks
righty....GO TO TAFE! naughtyyyyy xD
hahaha....nahh i just like more dangerous machinery :p
check out my thread...i posted it in our convo... vvv
i know ey ? LOL...
bahaha....well i could say pedos are fine if they know how to teach *sarcasm*