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  1. advanced sam

    Brother, sister lose bid in trying to make incest LEGAL!

    cousins are still connected. but i guess these days its becoming like one degree of separation...
  2. advanced sam

    a Comb over hair or uncool?

    is that because you have a combover?
  3. advanced sam

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread you are such a loser ( as in, from the quote above) what the hell is this post even about
  4. advanced sam

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread you are such a loser ( as in, from the quote above) what the hell is this post even about
  5. advanced sam

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. sorry wat are we talking about here? it means your better than 3 other teams doesnt it 2 trophies from wat?
  6. advanced sam

    Brother, sister lose bid in trying to make incest LEGAL!

    that is feral, so not cool AND WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THAT abortion PIC. GROSS!
  7. advanced sam

    10000 bc

    rambo is so LAME, i wanna watch 10000bc too, hey i havent seen 300 yet, was it good?
  8. advanced sam

    Rules for Customers

    you know, sometimes it is hard to see if these people are working in a shop, and you HAVE to ask "do you work here?" does that make any sense, wat i just said
  9. advanced sam

    this class is the bomb!!!!

    sorry what subject was this/ school classses are never good.. so the bomb?
  10. advanced sam

    Woman sat on toilet for 'two years'

    yeah how weird was that?! some boyfriend
  11. advanced sam

    a Comb over hair or uncool?

    i had a teacher at my school that had a combover, and yet he had long hair. when he finally got it cut, it became a bowl hair cut. so uncool