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  1. advanced sam

    Does God exist?

    NNNNOOOOOOO! its not working.
  2. advanced sam

    Does God exist?

    now i know im gonna sound stupid, but how do you quote two different peoples replies at the same time
  3. advanced sam

    weirdest food

    ah ha, at least im not the only one. everyone thinks chocolate, very wrong.
  4. advanced sam

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    ah so very clueless. did you guys have to do clueless as a transformation piece(modA) wouldnt that be funny...
  5. advanced sam

    Introduce yourself, why not?

  6. advanced sam

    Need help/advice!! =/

    how you going with your asses? due 2morrow right?
  7. advanced sam

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    well i agree to that
  8. advanced sam

    3-unit Maths - Hard much

    3 unit maths isnt that bad if you revise, and get a good teacher. on top of the normal 2u work we do 3u (as you all know), but we do to different topics of 3u at the same time. as in alternate days until they are finished. V.confusing i tell you english is ok if you get a good teacher, which...
  9. advanced sam

    Study and revision

    yeah i agree with the revising over notes then doing practive questions. works for me
  10. advanced sam

    Monitor level of the ions

    why is a duck reborn?
  11. advanced sam

    Does God exist?

    alright then
  12. advanced sam

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    WHAT AN EVENTFUL DAY in sure you must get that all the time
  13. advanced sam

    E= mc^2 question

  14. advanced sam

    Need help/advice!! =/

    no worries. not much help though, im afraid. goodluck with it all
  15. advanced sam

    Need help/advice!! =/

  16. advanced sam

    Need help/advice!! =/

    you can pick a scene from a movie u know, doesnt have to be the whole film. say something like the physical journey found in scene three is the very essence of a physical journey... or something like that hmmm. im trying to think wat physical journey stuff i did. is a scene different to...
  17. advanced sam

    weirdest food

    u dont like brown sugar? i hate cocoa by itself - powder stuff- GROSS artichokes
  18. advanced sam

    Need help/advice!! =/

    can you do movies?
  19. advanced sam

    English is a waste of life.

    Re: Anyone else hate English as much as me? hell yes! we have english assignment and yet dont finish what we have to know untill the day b4 its due. SO FRUSTRATING. i writing here and i have an english assignment due tomorrow, in fact. wat a coincidence. i cant be bothered to do it...
  20. advanced sam

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    i think its just sad. do you think all this tension thats been going on 4 years will turn into ww3? r we stupid enough