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  1. Nailgun

    ATAR estimate please

    lel I'm gonna draw on some of my connections and work out your identity brb
  2. Nailgun

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    I've heard kids from the grade below saying this about themselves lol ... I've seen what their top kids work is like lel, it's not really that impressive ahaha
  3. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Nah he used to go to your school, and he's pree smart
  4. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    woah I know someone who knows you then ahaha
  5. Nailgun

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    oh, nah we had just an internals exam block thing
  6. Nailgun

    ATAR estimate lele

    lel bunch of silly mistakes in half-yearlies rip problem with going to a smartish school is that everyone is close enough together that its not hard to slip a little all g doe
  7. Nailgun

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    yea the hsc lol
  8. Nailgun

    motion physics

    what if you don't have v? what if it is accelerating? Questions typically give you a certain set of variables, or enough info to deduce more variables and you pick an equation to use the other one is v=u+at
  9. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    add me on snapchat ahaha
  10. Nailgun

    ATAR estimate please

    nah we don't ahaha way more people do chem at my school i think its like 107
  11. Nailgun

    ATAR estimate lele

    These are rough guesses not 100% sure lele school rank: top 10 english advanced: 28/140 2u maffs 1/70 modern history 3/29 legal studies 3/22 physics 3/65 (rip) history extension 1/9
  12. Nailgun

    ATAR estimate please

    do you go to my school ahaha similar cohort size lel
  13. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    woah i just had a pree good idea for a creative like an internet forum created by a dude and like he's the only one who posts there but he has like 50 accounts and its like a thriving community of him talking to himself through various accounts which take on their own personalities and its...
  14. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    what if I'm secretly pinkstrawberry #plottwist
  15. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    pm'ed :) anyone else (not pinkstrawberry ahaha) wanna read it lel
  16. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    whole English/HSIE faculty=1 person?!?
  17. Nailgun

    "Bamboo Ceiling": Where are all the asians?

    hey good job that bit was pree impressive
  18. Nailgun

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016 noice