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  1. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Yeah I don't think WLL was there I asked some girls from her school that I was introduced to ( ;) ) and they said they didn't think she was there
  2. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    lel I asked some randoms if they knew you, and they were like yeah, he's over there *vaguely points to a crowd of people*
  3. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I usually just remember quotes, their analysis and vague paths of argument everything else usually falls into place
  4. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    anyone attending this? (on thurs)
  5. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I feel really hyped to do maths for the first time in ages ok hsc paper or maybe syd boys trial so many options they all 3 hours doe
  6. Nailgun

    Prelim Chem Thread

    you're in yr11 lol
  7. Nailgun

    ICAS Help

    Like legit 3 times I was one mark away from 100% in computer skills twice for science fml
  8. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I've seen the line before from How I Met Your Mother but not that explanation ahaha
  9. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    omg im dying thank you for brinign this into my life
  10. Nailgun

    What science to drop for year 12?

  11. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    diff one actually, lil bit hotter I think 8.5-9/10 that one is on pause for now lol imo has signs of crazy too though *sigh*
  12. Nailgun

    Prelim Chem Thread

    Naw they're my daily amusment ahahah I get home from school and open his recent posts :)
  13. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Mayne, all the hot ones are crazy tbh and you don't realise until you're in to deep ahaha
  14. Nailgun

    mental health or marks?

    Alternatively, murder him in his sleep.
  15. Nailgun

    Prelim Chem Thread

    I honestly think I've never encountered anyone as oblivious as eyeseeyou
  16. Nailgun
