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  1. Martyno1

    Anyone stuffed up an assesment and still got 90 or more UAI?

    Um, well if it helps I got 9/20 for an English speech and then got 93.50 UAI (79 as my assessment mark for English Standard) but I ended up coming 2nd in English anyway... so I don't think that'd help you much. Also the speech was only worth like 10% or something.
  2. Martyno1

    Casual pay rate at Target?

    I'm 18 and it's $15.51. I'll check for you on Sunday (when I work next) if nobody has answered for 16yo yet by then.
  3. Martyno1

    The Super Smash Brothers Thread

    I already checked. I didn't expect them to, and when I didn't see them on the list I got heaps happy because they were selling a package for Console + Wii Sport + Brawl for $450 at Game... but the Console + Wii Sports + Carnival + Beach is $388 at Big W haha. :D
  4. Martyno1

    The Super Smash Brothers Thread

    Should I get this game instead of Carnival Games & Big Beach Sports? I'm buying a Wii pretty soon. (I'll get above package and then trade them in for Brawl @ JB Hi-Fi)
  5. Martyno1

    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) HOLY SHIT FRNC 1611 Junior French Introductory 1 86.0 High Distinction I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT! :D
  6. Martyno1

    2008 NRL Premiership

    Re: THE OFFICIAL: Paul Gallen can go fuck himself thread agreed completely!
  7. Martyno1

    2008 NRL Premiership

    Re: Queensland Moroons Can Go Fuck Themselves! i agree with the above 2 posts
  8. Martyno1

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    bleh @ spain i hate them!
  9. Martyno1

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    Germany should win.
  10. Martyno1

    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    I'm just glad we didn't get Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran are a great team and playing in Saudi Arabia would be extremely difficult.
  11. Martyno1

    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    Awesome draw, compared to the other group. Group A Australia Japan Qatar Bahrain Uzbekistan :D Group B South Korea Iran Saudi Arabia DPR Korea UAE
  12. Martyno1

    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    yep channel 513 in KL btw
  13. Martyno1

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Winter Break '08 Chatter Thread Oh ok, thanks for the info. :)
  14. Martyno1

    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) Predictions are FRNC1611 D CHEM1101 C ANTH1001 P GOVT1202 P
  15. Martyno1

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Winter Break '08 Chatter Thread Oh okay. That sucks. Do we get emailed when our results are put up?
  16. Martyno1

    Semester 2 Timetables

    *won't go to the Friday lecture* :)
  17. Martyno1

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    I don't know who to go for! I hate Spain & don't really like Russia, but if Germany win they'll be 2 ahead of France rather than just 1. I guess I'll go with Russia.
  18. Martyno1

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Winter Break '08 Chatter Thread When do we actually get our results? I fail at this uni stuff.
  19. Martyno1

    isreali- paleistine

  20. Martyno1

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I hope ANTH1002 is good.