Um, well if it helps I got 9/20 for an English speech and then got 93.50 UAI (79 as my assessment mark for English Standard) but I ended up coming 2nd in English anyway... so I don't think that'd help you much. Also the speech was only worth like 10% or something.
I already checked. I didn't expect them to, and when I didn't see them on the list I got heaps happy because they were selling a package for Console + Wii Sport + Brawl for $450 at Game... but the Console + Wii Sports + Carnival + Beach is $388 at Big W haha. :D
Should I get this game instead of Carnival Games & Big Beach Sports? I'm buying a Wii pretty soon.
(I'll get above package and then trade them in for Brawl @ JB Hi-Fi)
I don't know who to go for!
I hate Spain & don't really like Russia, but if Germany win they'll be 2 ahead of France rather than just 1.
I guess I'll go with Russia.