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  1. Martyno1

    PH help

    pOH isn't in the HSC Chem syllabus.
  2. Martyno1

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    Yeah but you have to remember that the team that comes second will face Spain before facing the Netherlands again (provided they beat Sweden/Russia/Greece). They'll most likely want to avoid Spain at all costs because Spain seem to be on fire, and unlike Australian sports, a lot of emphasis is...
  3. Martyno1

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    Did I really just say that? *smacks self on head* Well, the Netherlands couldn't beat Romania during qualifying. But just remove that from my post and it makes sense. :)
  4. Martyno1

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread edit/ nevermind i found it
  5. Martyno1

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread edit/ nevermind i found it
  6. Martyno1

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    There was also that clear hand-ball that should have been a penalty, which would have put Australia 2-1 up.
  7. Martyno1

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    ^I don't think that would be great for them! If they let Romania through, then Spain will definitely beat Romania and then they'll face Spain in the semi-final. However, France (and probably Italy? I don't care about them enough to notice) has an excellent record against Spain, Spain never beats...
  8. Martyno1

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Re: Barrack OBama or John Mccain? Obama. Easy.
  9. Martyno1

    Which Uni has the most Azns?

    i agree (except with GOVT rather than ECOP)
  10. Martyno1

    Macquarie University Reputation

    i don't think so...
  11. Martyno1

    Senior chemistry

    Has anyone done forensic & environmental chemistry?
  12. Martyno1

    Union Board Elections 2008

    Why not? In all honesty I just voted for her because one of the girls who handed me a vote for Bec paper was really hot. I was going to put Courtney first until she came into my Anthropology lecture on Monday and cracked possibly the worst joke I have ever heard. Yeah, I'm not really caring...
  13. Martyno1

    Union Board Elections 2008

    Without reading this thread I'm just going to say that I voted 1 Bec 2 Courtney. edit: oh good, they both got in and Sash didn't. :)
  14. Martyno1

    your current favourite song

    Estelle ft Kanye - American Boy
  15. Martyno1

    Big W group interview

    Oh nah, they were about 3 years apart haha. & OP yeah I'd imagine it'd take much longer at Big W than it would at Woolworths or something because they'd actually do background checks with referees and stuff.
  16. Martyno1

    Big W group interview

    What? If you mean am I "still doing" both jobs, then no, just Target. :P
  17. Martyno1

    why do people think B arts = unemployment??

    Haha I was going to point this out, but then I thought you were being sarcastic or something.
  18. Martyno1

    Big W group interview

    Phone.. but both were that I got to job, they said that they weren't going to call me back if I didn't get it.
  19. Martyno1

    why do people think B arts = unemployment??

    I'd also say doing language majors would open up a few career opportunities as well.
  20. Martyno1

    Big W group interview

    At Woolworths, I was contacted within 3 days. At Target, it took them 2 weeks.