Cambridge or Fitzpatrick. MIF should be use if you absolutely don't understand a concept since it does act as a foundation for your understanding in maths
My point is that I believe in the existence of God and that there is someone with a higher power than us. I did state that my opinion didnt correlate with the question but i don't have complete trust that there is a God, rather like to believe hes there but is skeptical of his divine power at times.
My opinion doesn't directly correlate to the question because I have yet to read any of the comments made about the existence of God; half of the reason because i don't want to and the other half is that it's 3am and i can barely keep my eyes open.
Keep in mind, I am not a caucasian raised...
Those are some pretty solid marks for a course that you've never taken before. Honestly OP, I think that you should stick with english advance, try your best in HSC and attain the maximum potential mark you can because a lot of people will tell you 'you know it aligns better and won't pull your...
Think of Area of Study as a module but in itself, everyone has to do the same topic. So for example Module A - comparative, I might study Gwen Harwood + Maestro whilst you may study Robert Frost + a different novel, same for Module B and Module C. However, Area of Study is a state-wide common...
Like everyone has said; finish the HSC. You've come this far, all the late nights, all the exams, all the money for tuition. What you're experiencing is traumatic, but if you just give up when you're so close to finishing, you'll just regret it later when all your emotions has died down and you...
PDHPE is actually really interesting for people who are interested in any sorts of training. It teaches you basic stretches, strengths, etc. Chemistry is pretty useful in my opinion; really interesting to see how chemicals interact.
The fact that he "shows off" when he gets 1st place on exams shows that he isn't as smart as you think he is; how many people do you know who are truly intelligent show off their skills like a peacock?
Your goal isn't to be placed in classes with the idealistic people you would rather study...
Damn, that is pretty tough! But i think if i were in that sudden moment, regardless of the position id probably reply as;
I think due to my inexperience and naiveness, it would deter employees to hire someone with little knowledge of the working environment and the interactions that must be...
same!! No extension 2 maths for me hahaha, would probably cause my ranks to drop if i picked it up since i kind of dread maths.
When are you guys buying year 12 textbooks? By the way; do year 12s resell their textbooks at the end of the year or end of term 3?
While I respect your perspective of the incident, you have to agree that one bullet; no matter the placement, hurts like a motherf****. Clearly the officer is at a wrong in the incident, no matter what occured; he should have never shot more than twice.
I think the idea of a human being treated as an object is subjective. Whilst theres incidents such as rape, slaves and such; in an contemporary society, if you present yourself as an object and have no respect for yourself, i question why someone would treat you nothing more than an object.
not sure if ambiguous question or just stupid.
Depends on the situation? If a prostitute was forced into having sex, in what context are you placing her in?