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  1. kenshinx77

    Need help thanks will be appreciated- Homonins

    Is Hominoidea, or A.K.A hominoid, the same as Homonin? if not then you tell me the definition of both and differences... thoroughly sorry for being a pain
  2. kenshinx77

    pharmacy bonus point

    well, can you get bonus point for pharmacy? if so what subjects and can you pls give me the link? thanks in advance
  3. kenshinx77


    Guys i know this is another typical question you'll find but im very very curious, so pls if u can answer it for me, thanks in advance; 1. How hard is it to transfer from Medical science and how long do you have to stay in medical science before transferring (UNSW)? 2. Can you transfer from...
  4. kenshinx77

    Medical science or Medical engineering

    I was wandering if there are any good job available for Medical science graduate? i heard that there little job available... similarly for bio med engineering. can anyone confirm this?
  5. kenshinx77

    lol im not that smart though

    lol im not that smart though
  6. kenshinx77

    How much work is every doing?

    2hrs consistent a day lol including homework that is
  7. kenshinx77

    How much sleep do we need?

    i sleep for 6 to 6.5 hrs.... is that enough u reckon?
  8. kenshinx77

    Hsc 2009 Dates

    just conforming, it does start at 20th of october. i checked the BOS site
  9. kenshinx77

    Hsc 2009 Dates

    i'm shitting it already lol
  10. kenshinx77

    Any Suggestion?

    Hi guys, Well ive got a bit of a problem. the thing is i go to a really crappy school. im talking about ranked 400ish crap. But the thing is im doing well in all subject, every single 1 im doing is at least rank in the top 2. (except for maths 2 u im ranked 5th ) However, my english mark is...
  11. kenshinx77

    What would you guys give this story out of 15?

    i have to say too that i am gratified ending is better. it sort of give a sense of accomplishment to the stroy. however overall i would give a 14/15 nice
  12. kenshinx77

    Coaching rates?

    well he explains it good and everything and i understand it but... my marks isnt improving. i think my bitch of teacher is too biased
  13. kenshinx77

    Romulus My Father

    Can anyone helped me composed an essay on belonging in refrence to Romulus my father? I cant get a proper thesis going yet and i cant identify any techniques in the text. It would be much appreciated if someone could help me i fucken hate eng
  14. kenshinx77


    A guy in my class that does eng ADV actually did naruto and guess wat.. he got 9/20 for his port folio report so if you are satisfied with that mark, do DO NARUTO:)
  15. kenshinx77

    Coaching rates?

    lol mine is 70 bucks per hour is it rip off?
  16. kenshinx77

    Rudd's $42 billion 'nation building' plan

    i dont like him cus he didnt give laptops out to yr 12 TT
  17. kenshinx77

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for? lol 95 would be enough for me
  18. kenshinx77

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I rly thinks its better than USYD
  19. kenshinx77

    Help pls answer

    DUDE i cam LAST and the highest mark was 20!!! that dumb bitch gimme 14 WTF i mean cmon man im the only 1 that got 14. the average mark was also 17 too. i reas in forums the importance of ranking but thx Franman u put a bit of smile back to my face :)