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  1. kenshinx77

    hahahaha of course there will be... theres over 500000 kids doing the hsc and you ought to find...

    hahahaha of course there will be... theres over 500000 kids doing the hsc and you ought to find one kenshin maniac xD
  2. kenshinx77


    Anyone else felt like shit after doing that paper -___-'? I know i did GOD!!!
  3. kenshinx77

    Section I - Multiple Choice

  4. kenshinx77

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2 (Modules)

    lol find that the easiest part... If you wanna complain its fucking HAMLEt IRL
  5. kenshinx77

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2 (Modules)

    DUDE that was anything but an easy exam... i found the exam a bit on the challanging side... probs beacause of section 2
  6. kenshinx77

    this looks like a smart year

    WHO CARES!!! we'll know the answer in ONE month time =) just in case u can't read one in rly small letters and mixed up accidentally with two
  7. kenshinx77

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    Re: Called up Board of Studies regarding 2 related texts HAHAHAHA love the convo buddy ;)
  8. kenshinx77

    WOULD love an extimate too

    Hehehe an estimate pls ^^? Bio trial mark:92 trial rank:1st Internal rank 1st out of 15ppl Chem trial mark 85 trial rank 1st internal mark 3rd out of 25 ppl Bst trial mark 90 trial rank 1st internal rank 1st out of 25 ppl Englsih ADV trial marks 79/105 trial rank 3rd internal...
  9. kenshinx77

    Internal Scaling

    i was just wondering how the hsc internal assessment marks work. if, for example, i came third in a subject does it mean even though i'll do my best in the HSC, the best mark i can get will always be third?
  10. kenshinx77


    Did they really Electrolysis? only the first page? HAHAHHA, sure love a direct answer Absoulutezero
  11. kenshinx77


    Thx for the assurance rly appreciate it guys ;) HAHAHAHHA love the BOS sarcasm crew =)
  12. kenshinx77


    Hahahha thx for the re- assurance -_-' did that for business studies' essayd too damn didnt know
  13. kenshinx77

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    fitted my essay and story... questionable effort though on the first section
  14. kenshinx77


    Forgot to put my name/ number on every single page of the essay, story and questions... i did however put it on the front... Will i lose marks? or even get 0 TT?
  15. kenshinx77

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: Business Studies Section I: Multiple Choice DAMN it over made a careless mistake at number 12 xD
  16. kenshinx77

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies No 11 is wrong. The bussiness is ordering from an overseas business. If the have an open account then there'll be little risk for the aus business as they'll receive the order beore the money If they pay in advance there is a risk of the good not coming...
  17. kenshinx77

    Marks lost for forgetting one element of extended response

    As long as you did some of the elements of marketing plan and use xase study you shouldnt lose more than 6 marks. I'll say they'll probs penallise around 2-3 marks
  18. kenshinx77

    What Raw Mark will be the Band 6 cutoff

    i'd say around 88-90 marks and if lucky around 86 xD i dont think it was a terribly hard exam... you just probs. made couple of careless mistake at section II and questioning in section III was pretty bad lols
  19. kenshinx77

    Medical science or Medical engineering

    thx guys for the confirmation
  20. kenshinx77

    pharmacy bonus point

    =( they are only available in USYD thx for the effort though :)