who are you to judge if it was genuine or not? have you not been listening to what i have been saying! i have a BF who i LOVE and he LOVES me back and we TRUST each other...
im not even gunna bother trying to explain anymore you guys have fun im outta here its turned lame
he trusts me and knows that i would never ever do anything like that to him, but i spose like most guys would get a but anrgy but he wouldnt dwell on it because i had good intensions, that being i was being a good friend
well it just comes naturally i think...but like i said and have been saying i have a bf who im devoted to so dont get the wrong idea...brook on the other hand..lol
then why are you stilll argueing your point mr i-dont-give-a-damn?
if you didnt give a damn then we wouldnt be having this convosation, but you obviously do give a damn because you have continued to argue your point
and the fact that you acualy dont have a picture of yourself as YOUR avatar tells us that you are ugly and fat but dont want anyone to know that...unlucky for you i see right through your disguise
nice isnt it..
the way you genralise males
heres the way i see things
1) your insecure because of your penis size
2) you dont get any
3) you have never seen any hole except your mothers
4) any gf youve had (if any) never let you see their hole, instead they showed others
5) because of this you...
well please do explain my doubtfullness of my boyfriends loyalty, because obviously im not getting it and im sure since you know me soooooo well you can explain...
oh yea and theres also nothing called love
owait yea there is,
and obviously you havnt experianced it or you thought you had and they broke your heart and now you think cause you cant have it that no one else can, well there you are wrong
you no nothing about me or my life or my...