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  1. squiz29

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    aww isnt that good =] brookl wheres you go bub?
  2. squiz29

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    now hes being modest lol make up your mind geez
  3. squiz29

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    hahaha brook i agee with you he is funny and bold
  4. squiz29

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    no probs hun =] thats what im here for =D
  5. squiz29

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    modest isnt he? lol and im just here making sure my bff isnt getting harrased hahah cause i love her so much
  6. squiz29

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    hahaha thats cause i have no need for this site anymore do i?! but i just had to come chek this out :P
  7. squiz29

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    :O brookl you didnt tell me you had a netfriend hahahah hey btw =] x
  8. squiz29

    Year 12 Formal

    hey guys just wonderign what you guys did for your year 12 formals how much did you pay for tickets? did you have a theme? was there entertainment? things liek that :)
  9. squiz29

    How many books have you read so far?

    so far this year ive proberly ready between 25 and 30 so that means i read about 60 books a year lol sounds about right lol ive read 10 in the last 2 months: twilight, new moon, elclipse (series,, exelent!) wuthering heights before i die (good) how could she (ture story, realy...
  10. squiz29

    Vampire books

    OMG i agree aye i absolutly love these books! (and edward =P) new one comes out in like 5 days in australia how exciting =D=D
  11. squiz29

    twilight series

    OMFG!! i abosolutly LOVE the twilight books i read them all in a weekend a month ago and completly fell inlove with edward =D 5 MORE DAYS TILL THE NEXT ONE COMES OUT WOOPWOOP hell excited ay