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  1. Peeik

    Help with physics absolutly don't know nothing.

    It has been a while since I have studied galvanic cells but I can try explain it to you in physics terms. 1. Current is simply the flow of charged particles which in most cases are electrons. When electrons move in a circuit, current is produced. 2. Now that you understand that current is...
  2. Peeik

    Which is the best 2unit textbook?

    There isn't any textbook to my knowledge that has solutions to every question for the 2U course. If you find math in focus too easy or simple, may I recommend the cambridge text? Another alternative is the yellow Fitzpatrick text. I believe either of these textbooks is what you are after...
  3. Peeik

    if you can answer this maths q, you're a genius!

    Here you go! Apologies for the bad handwriting.
  4. Peeik

    Pronounce 'locus'

  5. Peeik

    Significant Figures

    I am pretty certain you dont change the mass to 1 sig fig or any part of the working out for that matter. You only leave your final answer in the lowest sig fig.
  6. Peeik

    Chem or Physics? Help!

  7. Peeik

    What would this 2unit rank and mark be moderated to????

    Re: Can you get marked down in 2 unit math exam for not using a ruler or not labeling Just use a ruler to be safe. It doesnt cost much and it doesnt take THAT long to draw lines with it. Plus you get a neater diagram. But i dont think you will be penalised unless your diagram is impossible to...
  8. Peeik

    Should I keep/ drop 3U maths??

    Drop extension 1 maths. It will be a waste of time studying something you have no interest in. Use that time to study for other subjects you enjoy. It sounds like you enjoy ancient history so dropping it should be the last thing you should do.
  9. Peeik

    Small Study Team

    May I suggest creating a wiki instead of google docs? It is far more effective when you have a good learning team.
  10. Peeik

    The coolest number

    The answer is 73 of course, why are we even considering other numbers? May I direct you guys to:
  11. Peeik

    any good maths websites out there?

    This is probably the best I can find.
  12. Peeik

    Q11 2001 hsc

    It is definitely (C). Probability in first turn = 4/4 = 1 Probability in second turn = 1/4 Therefore the prob is 1*(1/4)=1/4. Har, your response above is the probability of picking a 'specific' colour in both turns. The question didnt specify a colour, rather they just wanted the same colour...
  13. Peeik

    Do you make notes for Maths?

    I never really had notes for maths. I think people who dont have notes demonstrates that they are competent since they know their stuff inside out. Much like the standard integral sheets given in the math exam. It pains me that some students need to use the table to find simple integrals.
  14. Peeik

    Prelim. marathon?

    Here you go: P.s. Year 12 Extension kids are not encouraged to post their responses unless the prelim 2u students are stumped.
  15. Peeik

    Why is my Locus Wrong?

    I cant but help to read the title as "Why is my name Lucas Wong?"
  16. Peeik

    Cool question

    Unless I am mistaken, you had a little boo boo at the end.
  17. Peeik

    Cool question

    Good question!
  18. Peeik

    What's better, Cambridge 4u or Patel?

    I thought Coroneous didnt have a phD? He only had a B.Sc and dip ed...or did you mean symbolically that he's a mathematician?
  19. Peeik

    What's better, Cambridge 4u or Patel?

    Does anyone know why Bill Pender didnt write an extension 2 text?
  20. Peeik

    Bsc/Bed USYD or UNSW please help me decide

    The biggest difference of the top of my head is that a 5 Years trained teacher will have a higher minimum salary than a 4 year trained teacher. Other factors that might influence your decision would be the ambience and quality of the uni/subject. If you just want to be a math teacher, then the...