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  1. Peeik

    Take the scholarship or not?

    WOW am I seeing it right?? But then again, you cant argue with cambridge :P To OP, i think the best way is to ask yourself if you have any regrets picking USYD. Then ask yourself if you have any regrets picking wollongong. Then see which one outweighs the other.
  2. Peeik

    Mathematics lesson survey.

    WOW....I had that sig for like a year and nobody noticed! A keen eye you have there Realise :P
  3. Peeik

    Take the scholarship or not?

    Most scholarship is a contract that last your whole degree. You cant take the scholarship for one year and then transfer. Might want to double check with that.
  4. Peeik

    Mathematics lesson survey.

    Imo, classes (2u,3u,4u) shouldnt be more than 2 hours in length. But if you decide to have 3hours for 4U then you must have a mini break in there. The optimal number of students in a tutoring class is 10 and the class should be shaped in a horse shoe. If you have more than 10 students in your...
  5. Peeik

    Special angle question!!!

    Just briefly looked at part (b) and you solve it like a normal trig equation. Sin2θ=1/4 for 0<θ<360. Change the domain to suit the equation i.e. 0<2θ<720. Now solve the equation within this domain. sin2θ=1/4 for 0<2θ<720 2θ=14 , 166 , 374, 526 (to the nearest degree) θ = 7, 83, 187...
  6. Peeik

    Crinkle cut versus Straight cut chips.

  7. Peeik

    Motivation/ success story for 2013/14 hscers

    Great story, thanks for sharing that with everyone.
  8. Peeik

    Hey I skimmed through that google doc you posted about rote learning. It was heaps good. May I...

    Hey I skimmed through that google doc you posted about rote learning. It was heaps good. May I ask how did you end up finding this doc?
  9. Peeik

    Which schools got 99.95's?

    I think so because each increment of 0.05 represents 48 students....correct me if i am wrong.
  10. Peeik

    Would it be a bad idea to use BOS notes as study notes?

    The process of writing your own notes is more valuable than the notes itself. I would highly recommend you use BoS notes and textbooks to construct your own notes.
  11. Peeik

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    I dont believe that the 9.3 should start calculus yet. I think calculus should be restricted to only year 11 onwards. Rather they should do stuff involving functions and relations and at most informal definition of continuity and perhaps limits. Some schools do these topics in term 4 so it gives...
  12. Peeik

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    I couldnt agree with you more. The design of the exams dictates students to rote learn. That does need to change.
  13. Peeik

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    Very true, but then again how many English teachers actually tell students to memorise an pre-completed essay for their HSC? I think its the students decision to memorise an essay thinking that it would get them a safe mark. Of the people I know who did well in English, they always improvise on...
  14. Peeik

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    Year 7-10 syllabus have been finalised and will be implemented within a year or two (if i recall correctly). The senior syllabus that were published this year was a first draft and dont expect to see it within at least a decade. As one of my supervising teachers said, if the board of studies...
  15. Peeik

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    Due to a lack of foundation, practice and exposure in their early years, there are students out there who don't have the capabilities to think critically at that specific point in time. By forcing them to understand why something is the way it is could be too difficult for them because they may...
  16. Peeik

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    As you know general maths and 2U maths are different mathematics courses. There are students out there who dont need to know calculus at all. If you were to abolish general mathematics then more students will not pick maths at all in senior levels; which surely you can see is not a wise idea...
  17. Peeik

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    It needs to happen, but changing the culture of rote learning will be extremely difficult and will take decades before you see results.
  18. Peeik


    Consider some linear functions e.g. y=2x+5 , y=5x+1, y=6x. Notice that all linear functions can be written in slope intercept form i.e. y=mx+b. However for these questions I have a strange tendency to say linear functions are in the form y=ax+b. So i write 'a' instead of 'm'....not that it...
  19. Peeik


    You can certainly draw a table of values to get a picture of what the graph looks like. However, it is not the most efficient way of doing it. The best way is to recall the 'formal' definition of the absolute value and take care of the conditions as Sy has pointed out. If you do this, you get...
  20. Peeik

    science help

    I had a really bad teacher in physics and self taught it myself. It is certainly do-able, just need hard work and dedication. I think i ended up with an 87-88 so its possible.