Just read what you need to read. Don't read extra as it packs you up esp in senior years. Don't stress now. It's only yr 10. Imagine the stress in the HSC year. Read your books while you're travelling, eating, before bedtime etc.
Btw, practice reading only in the holidays (when ur not mucking...
Ummm, I would do a computer drawing but I don't know how to.
From North to South (clockwise), it's 180 degrees...right?
Boat B is at a bearing of 150 degrees.
Therefore, from Boat B to South...there is 30 degrees.
According to qn, Boat A is west. Therefore, from south to west there is 90 deg...
Re: Absent Days In Year 12
Hahahaha... That's happened to me too...I bugged a teacher to get them to sign a form at lunch and they got really grumpy and exploded like an atomic bomb at me....lols :burn:
Awwww...thanx for the comments (ur really nice theshortykatt).
I'm perfectly alive, don't worry. I asked the teacher for help and got really vague comments but I'll deal. I just can't help making the same mistakes over and over again...(that is so me) T-T
PS. Hope you get a job. =)
Is there anybody out there who have questions unanswered or just wanna say something? It's kinda getting depressing here with the lack of convo/ qns.
I was just passing by and realised this forum is sorta...undeveloped(?)
Ummm....well, can we get into a big discussion and talk about something such as Workplace law? How is it effective? :bomb: :burn:
Ok, I'm not sure whether you still need to know this (cos ur HSC was in 1999) but I'll talk about the types of court.
Courts are classified:
Local Court- all matters are quickly dealt here. It's cheap and fast
Coroner's Court- Fires or suspicious deaths
Children's Court- For lil kids as...
Is Motorcycle Diaries a good physical journeys text?:uhhuh:
Also could somebody give me any notes on it...please?:rofl:
I need notes....*gasp*:uhoh:
Thanx :sleep: :hammer:
Apparently, Dio Cassius really enjoyed putting lovely, false, irrelevent snippets of gossip into his works...therefore his work should be considered with care. Hey also, is his name Cassius Dio or Dio Cassius?
When I first read 'An Imaginary Life', I was like ????? but we got to reread the novel in class...The class teacher finished reading the whole novel and up to the last lines she slowed down her voice and pace...it kinda touched all of the students in the class (weird) cos the ending seemed...
Ummmm......... That's interesting....ummmm....hehehe....
Hey, what do students in medicine really learn?
Oh yeah, and what happens if a doctor makes a 'mistake' in a surgery/diagnosis etc. ? If a student makes a mistake in a practical lesson (such as cutting up the wrong vessel...it's...
Ahhh....cynism. Heaps of people talk about becoming cynical of the world after they've seen a lot of things. (Note I haven't seen a lot of things...yet). Maybe years later, I won't be so idealistic....wah! Now I'm getting an image of me as being: old, wrinkly, grumpy and cyncial...wah! I'm just...
I hope this doesn't confuse you even more than you already are...
I think this is how you do it....
Use the double angle formula crap:bomb:
Move the bottom thingo on the LHS to the RHS...and u end up with something like this...