! I missed the 2008 STAT test this year becos I forgot to register...OMG...what do I do? Somebody told me that in one year there are 2 STAT Tests...I've been surfing the net and haven't found anything on the 'second date'.....anybody with knowledge on this? please help? I'm...
Okay, this place is seriously r-e-ta-r-d-e-d...I can see that 50 people have looked through this thread but *nobody* has made any comment at all. Doesn't anybody wanna make small talk? T-T
I started reading the twihlight series cos everybody around me did and they started teasing me for not reading it...what do i do? I start reading...
My first time I read it....I thought it was *alright* cos it had a cliched storyline, stereotypcial perfect characters and teenager angst (esp...
Nooooo!!!!! (btw that was a howl of despair at the thought of perms and combinations as a whole HSC question. Ummm, thnx for ur support...I have a stupid upcoming assessment tasks on permutations >< :cold: :argue:
So I'll post up questions on perms in upcoming days and everybody can try answer...
Whoa...99.8...Your friend must be majorly ticked off but then again USYD needs a UAI of 99.95. Did ur friend make it into UNSW for medicine? I'd seriously die to get a UAI of 99.8 (but then again a UAI is not worth dying T-T :lol: ) Oh, and don't give up on trying to get into...
:jaw:Will somebody tell me what textual integrity is? :hammer:
I'm confused and everybody's telling me diff answer + my 'teacher' :angry:hasn't taught me anything! Help? Please? Somebody explain? Before I explode? :bomb: :burn: :ninja: :pain: :cold:
The Herculaneum Conservation Project:
Can anybody tell me what it is? And provide me examples of artifacts and primary/ secondary sources or somewhat?
Help....really not getting this...what is it all about? ><
Thnx....this advice is helpful to me...(but I still hate it heaps)
Waaaahhhh....which moron came up and invented this topic to complicate the lives of Yr 12 Maths Ext 1 Students....
I suck at this....tried a few questions...and failed spectacularly....
siddharthlaha or anybody who's already done UMAT prep...ummm...what's it like? I know it's heaps expensive...I've gathered that but I'm still not sure whether it is worth it...and can anybody fill me in on more details about *what* you learn?
Thnx...much appreciated. lols. >-<
Good on u 4 breaking off with the moron !!! (why r u friends still?!?!)
Yup, wait until the stage they're relationship goes all shitty....and laugh at feels really rewarding (revenge is sweet) :ninja:
Hehehehehe.... I'm going to be working my arse off in the summer holidays and I'm gonna go to uni and drag a couple of friends to move out of home with me...=)
The lure of freedom.....(and maybe later the nostalagia of home and mum's food) :rofl:
Try to decide whether your really interested in medicine and measure the good and bad sides of the course u wanna do... what sci.girl has said, is it worth it to do the UMAT Preparation courses? What the hell do you do or learn cos it's really expensive?:uhhuh:
Insurance covers *everything*? Really?
But wouldn't there be a possibility of you getting a really bad reputation or getting your 'medical licence'...ummm...cancelled?
Wah... that's so cool. lols. Though not for the patient. hehehe. =)
I'm sympathetic about your situation but is this all worth it.:uhhuh: Are you willing to start a fight with a girl over a boy who you're probably not going to last with? I think most of us understand that this girl is a total skank and you deserve to be annoyed.:pain:
In other words, ditch...