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  1. cookkii

    Mother Mutilates Son

    intelligent. its good to see this is our future. graduating yr 12 this year too =]
  2. cookkii

    Mother Mutilates Son

    thankyou SnowFox incredibly helpful.
  3. cookkii

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    avoid. but then why are they refusing to give gay rights?? they dont allow adoption by gay parents, or marriage between gays, its the government that is stopping this, not individuals. and it all comes back to the catholic beliefs, that homosexuality is wrong.
  4. cookkii

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    also, id like to point out that there are many things the bible says that none would follow these days, such as working on the sabbath, once punishable by death, but is now a common practice.
  5. cookkii

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    there was me thinking this was quite common knowledge - as much as i hate to say it, women are not as physically strong as men, so if the requirements were the same, would there be as many women joining the armed forces?? then the defence force would be seen as racist, or something like that...
  6. cookkii

    Is Rudd a good PM/leader?

    ahh but what choice do we have? until the next election, but who's to say whether or not he will be the lesser of two evils??
  7. cookkii

    Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them

    yes. because catholics are SOOO great (i can say that, im catholic myself). how can catholics be the "building block of a thriving, civilised society which has love and life at its core" if they purely refuse to accept anyone elses beliefs, religions and personal choice. they "believe" that all...
  8. cookkii

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    this is a good point. maybe if the government didnt make it seem that homosexuals with kids was such a bad thing, the rest of the country would actually think about the fact that gays have the same rights as everyone else, and should be allowed to have what everyone else does. also, the only...
  9. cookkii

    Mother Mutilates Son

    can i just ask how it is that this went from a discussion about a horrific event to a forum filled with insults thrown at each other? everyone has their own beliefs and ideas, why is it that you cant accept that?? certain religions and cultures believe in circumcision, and others dont. leave...
  10. cookkii

    o.O lady gaga is a hermaphrodite!!!!

    agreed. why do we care?? shes still a shit musician, either way