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  1. cookkii

    Is rape actually as heinous as its made out to be?

    there is but i really dont see the point in explaining it to you.
  2. cookkii

    Nuclear Power?

    i dont know about wind, but solar energy is actually reliable, we get plenty of sun. kudoes to Kolefax
  3. cookkii

    Is rape actually as heinous as its made out to be?

    thats what im saying. the question is worded wrong, im saying that the question being addressed here isnt "is rape actually as heinous as its made out to be?" what we're actually discussing is "why is rape seen as more heinous than other crimes such as torture?"
  4. cookkii

    Is rape actually as heinous as its made out to be?

    but then its not so much is rape as heinous as its made out to be, as it is why isnt torture seen as just as heinous. my argument was towards those who do not think that rape is as heinous, not towards those who think that torture is just as.
  5. cookkii

    Is rape actually as heinous as its made out to be?

    i understand that rape crimes are overly covered by the media, but why not advocate for harsher torture penalties, rather than lesser rape penalties?
  6. cookkii

    Nuclear Power?

    im not advocating coal fired energy either. im just against nuclear power, and i dont see that as a reason to insult me.
  7. cookkii

    Is rape actually as heinous as its made out to be?

    rape is torture. and it is heinous. the psycholigical and physical effects will stay with them for the rest of their lives. but the only people who could comment on the effect that rape has on the victims is the victims themselves.
  8. cookkii

    Nuclear Power?

    wikipedia may have citations, but that doesnt mean its particularly reliable. its too easy to bs on it. and im still sticking by my opiion. they were actually thinking of putting the power plant near where i live, and thats something im completely against.
  9. cookkii

    Euthanasia for Life Prisoners

    prisoners lose their right to freedom as soon as they commit the crime, and lose their freedom as soon as they are imprisoned. they should have no choice. if they were given the choice of euthanasia, then they may as well be given the choice of their sentence. if theyve been sent to jail, then...
  10. cookkii

    Nuclear Power?

    youre using wikipedia as a source?? one of the most unreliable websites in the history of the internet. this information is regarding the past, whereas here, we are dealing with the future. we cannot begin to imagine what could happen, and what may be the long term effects of this on our...
  11. cookkii

    Climate Change

    this is very true but i think dazza is doing both in a way. he is questioning the science and finding it lacking, so has chosen to ignore it, leading to his flawed conclusion
  12. cookkii

    Nuclear Power?

    but have they yet found a safe and sustainable way to dispose of the waste and excess?? there is always the risk of a meltdown, contamination of soil and waterways, health risks for those working with it... why bother?? there are more enviro-friendly methods for energy, that are more sustainable...
  13. cookkii

    Climate Change

    there is no doubt in my mind that climate change is occurring, or that its a natural process. i am a bit of an eco freak, but although we are speeding up the process, what is there that we can do to stop it? what we should be investing our time in is minimising our impact and finding ways to...
  14. cookkii

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    arent we?? because thats what i was always taught in church. and i doubt its their mission, there are many gays who still wish to remain catholic, but cannot practice their faith because of how their faith treats them. The Lord created them this way, so why should they not be accepted?
  15. cookkii

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    isnt it? please, explain to me what i havent quite understood about my own religion.
  16. cookkii

    Mother Mutilates Son

    he loled. and i know you suck. although doing the work would help. speaking of work, dont you have some trials you should be studying for?
  17. cookkii

    o.O lady gaga is a hermaphrodite!!!!

    a problem with jews?? and anybody who does not know who lady gaga is would be a very very fortunate person
  18. cookkii

    Gay people should not be allowed to access IVF

    its ok. im not persecuting catholics, just disagreeing with some of their beliefs. im the catholic who doesnt believe what the church would rather she did. i understand that its not just catholic beliefs, but other religions and cultures as well, but fortunately, australia is not a religious...
  19. cookkii

    When is it a baby?

    well, maybe not i guess, when its still safe for the mother. and definaately not after 5 months =]
  20. cookkii

    When is it a baby?

    when it starts thinking for itself, then it can be classified as lliving.