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  1. Absolutezero

    Critical Approaches to Hamlet?!

    Basically, yes. It can go either way. It can help if properly used, but tossing around words like Marxism and existentialism without applying them deeply to the text won't help.
  2. Absolutezero

    Critical Approaches to Hamlet?!

    No, they're simply other ways to examine the text. Some students benefit from having a structural theory to base their arguments around. If you haven't studied these by now, don't worry about trying to incorporate them. Just focus on the topic addressed in the question, and support with...
  3. Absolutezero

    Cursing in essays?

    For an essay, in the context of a quote, it's fine.
  4. Absolutezero

    Liberal Leadership spill 2015

    We have a new arts minister :)
  5. Absolutezero

    Suits thread

  6. Absolutezero

    Liberal Leadership spill 2015

    can someone create a tone alone poster with abbots head shooped over maccauley culkin
  7. Absolutezero

    Student bid to dodge exam fails

    So he's like every other student ever...
  8. Absolutezero

    Plagiarism in the HSC

    ur welcum
  9. Absolutezero

    Plagiarism in the HSC

    I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws...
  10. Absolutezero

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    How do you think I feel getting home from work and seeing it above 100 each day. I just wanna be a winner
  11. Absolutezero

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It's just part of a broader anti-harassment policy we try to enforce. We don't want to be a downer :)
  12. Absolutezero

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Express permission means they have to start it.
  13. Absolutezero

    Improving my vocabulary for Creative Writing

    Pay attention to life. That's the key to writing. You don't need big fancy words if you've got the details down.
  14. Absolutezero

    Why do we study English?

    It doesn't matter what Robert Frost thought. You're missing the point if you think it does.
  15. Absolutezero

    Syntax for anaphora

    With the little time you'd save leaving it out, you're better off keeping it in.
  16. Absolutezero

    Surprises to give boyfriend

    no, because he wouldn't be a football player anymore that's like saying the oldest living guy in the world is still the oldest living guy in the world after he died
  17. Absolutezero

    Surprises to give boyfriend inb4sexistpig
  18. Absolutezero

    You guys suck at replying to threads

    It's your negative tone. Try to be more positive :)