Internal: The marks of your school assessments
External: The marks of your HSC exams
Cohort: The other students in your year at your school
If you do well in the externals, a good internal mark and a good cohort will raise your final mark
If you do well in the externals, a bad internal mark...
1 -shots – Are used to describe shots framing one person. Similarly, is 2 shot and 3 shot for the respective number of people.
4th wall – The fourth wall is the imaginary "wall" at the front of the stage.
A-Roll – The main shot in an interview or documentary.
Aerial perspective – The effect...
If this is making you all very stressed and upset and feel like throwing up – good. Because that'll give you a better chance of getting that certificate.
Like I said, grey area. It also comes down to intent, which can't be judged purely from the written word. Keep in mind that plagiarism and getting caught are two different things.
Because it's one sentence, it's also harder to make a claim. If you did the same thing with every sentence in the...
That's still concerning.
That's still plagiarism. You're still copying. You need to use the original sentence to inform your own ideas about the topic and write about your understanding in your own way.
Basically, don't reference in an exam. Use your own words. The only except would be...
As Spikenard watched, Bronwyn slipped the transparent cloak from her shoulders; it fell with a whisper. She let her hands drop to her sides; she pulled her shoulders back and stood erect, feet apart, legs straight. This is what he saw:
Bronwyn standing pale and tall in the nervous light that...