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  1. Absolutezero

    I need some english help pls
  2. Absolutezero

    Rap song related text?

    If you can't analyse the musical elements well, I would recommend picking another text. That's why teachers often advise against picking songs.
  3. Absolutezero

    Do we need to know film techniques for Year 12?

    Agreed. Give this a read for a pretty complete summary of them:
  4. Absolutezero

    How long should the HSC IP Monologue be?

    I believe it's: IP: 6–8 minutes GP: 8–12 minutes
  5. Absolutezero

    English quote question

    The use of 'very' as an intensifier reveals the increased levels of Roderick's nervousness.
  6. Absolutezero

    English quote question

    Techniques are just ways of describing how we use language. Every sentence has techniques. If you don't include them, you're missing a big part of the analysis.
  7. Absolutezero

    Folk Music

  8. Absolutezero

    Berlin Christmas Market Attacks

    don't fight hate with hate mate
  9. Absolutezero

    help with choosing a monologue?

    Pick a genre first, then go from there. Comedy? Drama? Slapstick? Biography? What interests you? From there, look up the major playwrights of that genre, and read. Most good libraries have copies of the plays. Either find or adapt a section of the text that speaks to you.
  10. Absolutezero

    a bit of advice from someone who's a bit older than you

    drugs are bad though okay i took drugs once and then i died
  11. Absolutezero

    HSC Exam double ups

    we've found the outlier school :) Maybe it's become more popular since I did it.
  12. Absolutezero

    HSC Exam double ups

    Entertainment Industry and Math Extension. Not many people doing those two subjects hey
  13. Absolutezero

    HSC Exam double ups

    I had two exams at the same time when I did it. They had to put me in lock down between exams, and sit one after the other.
  14. Absolutezero

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    he did. you're just using 'look at me i've been to the moon' future english.
  15. Absolutezero

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    They definitely did pre-2007, so even if it wasn't 2008, you're close enough to the mark for the point to stand.
  16. Absolutezero

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Did they? I thought we (2008) were the first year to ask for one. We definitely all prepared two, I can assure you that.
  17. Absolutezero

    How many quotes are you doing for AOS essay?

    It depends how big your paragraphs are.